Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Suku Maya

Gambar di atas adalah kalender bangsa maya kuno

Begini…..teman-teman pernah dengarkan mengenai mitologi-mitologi setiap bangsa didunia,misalnya mitologi perdaban China,Mesir,Sumeria,Yunani,dsb.
Nah,dikisahkan didalam beberapa mitologi-mitologi tsb bahwa bumi ini pernah dilanda banjir dahsyat yang mengerikan,hampir semua peradaban-peradaban zaman dulu ada cerita tentang bencana yang satu ini,misalnya diantara lebih dari 130 suku Indian di Benua Amerika hampir tidak ada suku yang tidak memitoskan banjir dasyat sebagai topik.

Kalau mau lebih mudahnya,coba ingat-ingat Kisah Nabi Nuh (Noah).Dikisahkan didalam Al-Qur’an dan Alkitab

maupun Bible,bahwa seluruh peradaban manusia pada saat itu musnah,terkecuali bagi orang-orang yang percaya pada ajaran Alllah yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Nuh yang selamat dari bencana air bah yang maha dasyat itu.

Di sekitar pedalaman kaki Gunung Himalaya, Tibet misalnya, orang-orang menjumpai sebuah suku, keturunan dan rupa mereka hampir mirip dengan orang Yunani. Konon katanya, mereka adalah orang-orang yang beruntung masih hidup atas peristiwa banjir yang dahsyat itu.

Pada tahun 1986, kantor berita pemerintah Turki menyatakan bahwa 5.200 meter di atas permukaan laut puncak gunung (Ararat), telah ditemukan sebuah benda yang mirip dengan perahu Nabi Nuh yang berbentuk persegi empat, lalu mengambil gambarnya dari angkasa, dan panjang perahunya sesuai dengan yang dicatat dalam kitab suci.

Mister Li Hongzi (pendiri Fulun Gong/Fulun Dafa) menerangkan dalam ceramah Alam Semesta-nya,Beliau menuturkan bahwa peradaban dimuka bumi ini setidaknya telah dihancurkan kurang lebih sebanyak empat kali oleh Sang Pencipta.
Dan,pada saat era dimana kita hidup sekarang ini, merupakan masa kehidupan peradaban umat manusia ke-5 dibumi.

Lalu kenapa manusia bisa mengalami bencana itu? Mitologi dari setiap negara mempunyai penjelasan yang sama terhadap hal ini. Semua ini dikarenakan kemerosotan dan kebejatan manusia, lalu Sang Penguasa Alam Semesta memutuskan untuk menghukum manusia.

Mengenai penggambaran atas peristiwa dimusnahkannya beberapa peradaban-peradaban manusia masa silam ,sebenarnya bisa kita peroleh penjelasannya dari beberapa Hadist.
Pernah aq membaca sebuah hadist riwayat (lupa tapi hadist riwayat siapa),disitu dikisahkan pada zaman nabi-nabi terdahulu,ada yang disebut sebagai zaman edan dan zaman apa gitu deh (intinya setiap manusia pada zaman ini kembali fitrah), sehabis zaman edan akan kembali lagi ke zaman fitrah sampai saatnya tiba alam semesta ini benar-benar akan dihancurkan secara keseluruhan.
Nah, dari isi hadist tsb dapat kita peroleh penjelasan,bahwa ketika suatu zaman dimana manusia telah menunjukkan kemerosotan moral yang luar biasa (zaman edan),Sang Penicipta memutuskan untuk mengahiri peradaban tersebut dengan mengirimkan beberapa bencana besar yang ahirnya mengakhiri kehidupan dimuka bumi pada saat itu.
Hanya beberapa oranglah yang disisakan untuk memulai peradaban baru selanjutnya.Pada waktu peradaban baru ini lahir,hati orang-orang yang berhasil terselamatkan tersebut kembali dalam keadaan bersih/fitrah (setelah bertobat) karena telah disadarkan oleh rentetan bencana mengerikan yang menimpanya dimasa silam.(mohon dikoreksi lagi yah hadistnya)

Siklus seperti itu terus menurus berlangsung sampai pada masa peradaban kita saat ini (masa peradaban umat manusia ke-5/matahari ke-5).
Pada saat ini,dimana tanda-tanda zaman edan telah dapat terlihat dengan begitu jelas,mungkin kembali saatnya peradaban pada saat ini harus kembali diakhiri,dan akan digantikan dengan sebuah peradaban baru yang tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan peradaban sebelumnya.(mungkin manusia-manusia yang akan datang akan mengenal sisa-sisa peradaban kita sebagai sebuah peradaban maju yang hilang ditelan masa,seperti halnya kisah mengenai peradaban Atlantis dan Lemuria yang tenggelam dimasa silam)

Kini muncul pertanyaan,apa hubungannya peradaban ke-5 dimuka bumi ini dengan tahun 2012??

Pada sistem penanggalan didalam Kalender Bangsa Maya/Maya Calendar yg merupakan kalender paling akurat sampe sekarang yg pernah ada di bumi.(Perhitungan Maya Calendar dari 3113 SM sampai 2012 M)
,mereka (Bangsa Maya) menyatakan pada tahun 2012,tepatnya tanggal 21 Desember 2012,merupakan “End of Times”.
maksud dari “End of Times” itu sendiri masih diperdebatkan oleh para ilmuwan, dan arkeolog.

Ada yang menyatakan bahwa maksudnya adalah :

1. Berhentinya waktu (bumi berhenti berputar)
2. Peralihan dari Zaman Pisces ke Aquarius
3. Peralihan dari Abad Silver ke Abad keemasan
4. End of Times = End of the World as we know it
5. Akan ada sebuah galactic Wave yang besar, yang memberhentikan semua kegiatan di muka bumi ini, termasuk kemusnahan manusia
6. Perubahan dari dimensi 3 ke dimensi 4, bahkan 5
7. Kehidupan manusia meningkat dari level dimensi 3, ke 4, DNA manusia meningkat dari strain 2 ke 12, sehingga manusia dapat menggunakan telepati bahkan telekinesis
8. Ada yang menyatakan tidak akan terjadi apa-apa
9. Ada yang menyatakan waktu sudah tidak akan berlaku, jadi waktu tidak linear, tetapi bisa berubah2, sesuai dengan waktu yang kita alami, karena ditemukannya mesin waktu
10. Ditemukannya mesin waktu dan stargate
11. Manusia sudah dapat melakukan transportasi ke galaxi lain, melalui stargate
12. Bangkitnya messiah, yang akan menyelamatkan manusia dari kehancuran
13. Kebangkitan Isa AS / Jesus
14. First Contact pertama kali peradaban manusia dengan Alien/UFO
15. Manusia bergabung dengan komunitas antar galaxi pertama kali, manusia = galaxy being.

Dalam kalender bangsa Maya yang sangat tersohor itu, diramalkan bahwa pada periode 1992-2012 bumi akan dimurnikan, selanjutnya peradaban manusia sekarang ini akan berakhir dan mulai memasuki peradaban baru.

Dalam sejarah peradaban kuno dunia, bangsa Maya dikenal menguasai pengetahuan tentang ilmu falak yang khusus dan mendalam, sistem penanggalan yang sempurna, penghitungan perbintangan yang rumit serta metode pemikiran abstrak yang tinggi. Kesempurnaan dan akurasi dari pada penanggalannya membuat orang takjub.

Sekelompok masyarakat yang misterius ini tinggal di wilayah selatan Mexico sekarang (Yucatan) Guetemala, bagian utara Belize dan bagian barat Honduras. Banyak sekali pyramid, kuil dan bangunan-bangunan kuno yang dibangun oleh Maya yang masih dapat ditemui di sana. Banyak juga batu-batu pahatan dan tulisan-tulisan misterius pada meja-meja yang ditinggalkan mereka.

Para arkeolog percaya bahwa Maya mempunyai peradaban yang luar biasa. Hal itu bisa dilihat dari peninggalannya seperti buku-bukunya, meja-meja batu dan cerita-cerita yang bersifat mistik. Tetapi sayang sekali buku-buku mereka di perpustakaan Mayan semuanya sudah dibakar oleh tentara Spanyol ketika menyerang sesudah tahun 1517. Hanya beberapa tulisan pada meja-meja dan beberapa system kalender yang membingungkan tersisa sampai sekarang.

Seorang sejarahwan Amerika, Dr. Jose Arguelles mengabdikan dirinya untuk meneliti peradaban bangsa ini. Ia mendalami ramalan Maya yang dibangun di atas fondasi kalender yang dibuat bangsa itu, dimana prediksi semacam ini persis seperti cara penghitungan Tiongkok, ala Zhou Yi. Kalendernya, secara garis besar menggambarkan siklus hukum benda langit dan hubungannya dengan perubahan manusia.
Dalam karya Arguelles, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyong Technology yang diterbitkan oleh Bear & Company pada 1973, disebutkan dalam penanggalan Maya tercatat bahwa sistim galaksi tata surya kita sedang mengalami ‘The Great Cycle’ (siklus besar) yang berjangka lima ribu dua ratus tahun lebih. Waktunya dari 3113 SM sampai 2012 M. Dalam siklus besar ini, tata surya dan bumi sedang bergerak melintasi sebuah sinar galaksi (Galatic Beam) yang berasal dari inti galaksi. Diameter sinar secara horizontal ini ialah 5125 tahun bumi. Dengan kata lain, kalau bumi melintasi sinar ini akan memakan waktu 5125 tahun lamanya.

Orang Maya percaya bahwa semua benda angkasa pada galaksi setelah selesai mengalami reaksi dari sinar galaksi dalam siklus besar ini, akan terjadi perubahan secara total, orang Maya menyebutnya, penyelarasan galaksi (Galatic Synchronization). Siklus besar ini dibagi menjadi 13 tahap, setiap tahap evolusi pun mempunyai catatan yang sangat mendetail (ke 13 tahap tersebut akan saya jelaskan di kemudian hari). Arguelles dalam bukunya itu menggunakan banyak sekali diagram-diagram untuk menceritakan kondisi evolusi pada setiap tahap. Kemudian setiap tahap itu dibagi lagi menjadi 20 masa evolusi. Setiap masa itu akan memakan waktu 20 tahun lamanya.

Dari masa 20 tahun antara tahun 1992-2012 itu, bumi kita telah memasuki tahap terakhir dari fase Siklus Besar, bangsa Maya menganggap ini adalah periode penting sebelum masa pra-Galatic Synchronization, mereka menamakannya: The Earth Generetion Priod (Periode Regenerasi Bumi). Selama periode ini bumi akan mencapai pemurnian total. Setelah itu, bumi kita akan meninggalkan jangkauan sinar galaksi dan memasuki tahap baru: penyelarasan galaksi.

Pada 21 Desember 2012 akan menjadi hari berakhirnya peradaban umat manusia kali ini, dalam perhitungan kalender Maya. Sesudah itu, umat manusia akan memasuki peradaban baru total yang tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan peradaban sekarang. Pada hari itu, tepatnya musim dingin tiba, matahari akan bergabung lagi dengan titik silang yang terbentuk akibat ekliptika (jalan matahari) dengan ekuator secara total. Saat itulah, matahari tepat berada di tengah-tengah sela sistem galaksi, atau dengan kata lain galaksi terletak di atas bumi, bagaikan membuka sebuah “Pintu Langit” saja bagi umat manusia.

Mulai 1992, bumi memasuki apa yang oleh bangsa Maya disebut ‘Periode Regenerasi Bumi”. Pada periode ini, Bumi dimurnikan, termasuk juga hati manusia, (ini hampir mirip ramalan orang Indian Amerika-Utara terhadap orang sekarang ini), subtansi yang tidak baik akan disingkirkan, dan substansi yang baik dan benar akan dipertahankan, akhirnya selaras dengan galaksi (alam semesta), ini adalah singkapan misteri dari gerakan sistem galaksi kita yang diperlihatkan oleh bangsa Maya.

Sejak tahun 1992 sampai 2012 nanti, bagaimana terjadi “pemurnian” dan bagaimana pula terjadi “regenerasi” pada bumi kita ini, tidak disebutkan secara detail oleh bangsa Maya. Dalam ramalan mereka pun tidak menyinggung tentang apa hal konkret yang memberikan semangat manusia untuk bangkit dari kesadaran dan bagaimana bumi mengalami permurnian, yang ditinggalkan oleh mereka kepada anak cucunya (barangkali tidak tercatat). Lantas, fenomena baru apa yang sudah bisa kita lihat sejak tahun 1992 sampai sekarang yang bisa kita kaitkan dengan ramalan bangsa Maya yang beradab itu?

Mungkin sudah diatur, bahwa kalender Maya tidak hilang dan sejarah manusia, dan harus diuraikan dengan kode oleh manusia sekarang. Namun ia tetap saja harus dilihat, apakah umat manusia yang terpesona oleh konsepsinya yang trerbentuk sesudah kelahiran dapat menembus batas-batas untuk mengingatkan dan memahami kebenaran yang melampoi sistim pengetahuan kita.

Sebenarnya,jika ditinjau dari beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan saat ini.Memang pada beberapa dua dasawarsa belakangan ini,bumi sedang mengalami suatu siklus yang dinamakan pembalikan daya magnet kutub.
Pembalikan daya magnet kutub adalah proses yang terjadi pada waktu kutub utara dan kutub selatan saling bertukar posisi. Ketika ini terjadi, untuk beberapa saat medan magnet bumi mencapai Gauss nol, yang berarti bumi pada waktu itu punya daya magnet nol. Ketika ini terjadi bersamaan dengan perbalikan orbit sebelas tahunan kutub matahari, masalah besar akan terjadi.

Menurut perhitungan computer Hyderabad, pembalikan kutub Bumi dan Matahari dapat mengakibatkan masalah besar selain elektronik tidak bekerja dengan semestinya, burung yang bermigrasi kehilangan haluan, dan bermacam macam:

1. Sistem ketahanan tubuh semua hewan dan termasuk manusia akan banyak melemah.
2. Lapisan luar bumi akan mengalami pertambahan gunung berapi, pergerakan tektonik, gempa bumi, dan tanah longsor.
3. Medan magnet Bumi akan melemah dan radiasi alam semesta berasal dari matahari bertambah berlipat ganda mengakibatkan bahaya radiasi seperti kanker dan sebagainya tidak dapat dihindari
4. Benda-benda angkasa akan tertarik masuk ke Bumi
5. Daya gravitasi Bumi akan mengalami perubahan meskipun tidak diketahui bagaimana ia akan berubah

Jika anda menambahkan semua skenario bencana yang mungkin terjadi, anda dapat dengan mudah mengatakan dengan kalimat sederhana ini, Bumi dapat menjadi tempat yang tidak cocok untuk ditinggali peradaban manusia pada 2012 ataupun mereka yang hidup dekat lapisan luar bumi. Hal ini mungkin saja dapat terjadi pada Mars jutaan tahun yang lalu.

Mungkin benar adanya apa yang dikatakan Bangsa Maya mengenai kehancuran perdaban manusia di tahun 2012 esok,hal tersebut tentunya dapat kita lihat dari sifat-sifat manusia zaman sekarang yang tau sendirikan bagaimana moralnya,kelakuan,dll, dan alam-pun kelihatannya semakin tidak bersahabat dengan kita.

Yang lebih menarik lagi kali ini aq coba mengutip pernyataan si Mama Louren (tau kan,peramal yang suka muncul di Tipi itu lo).Kata dia,”pada tahun 2012 nanti jumlah penduduk di Indonesia ini tinggal 40%”.Lalu ketika ditanya apa penyebabnya,dia menuturkan ,”pada tahun itu sebuah bencana besar akan melanda Bumi secara Global,mungkin pada setiap negara nantinya hanya menyisakan 30%-40% kehidupan untuk kembali membangun kehidupan baru”.

Ramalan serupa juga diutarakan oleh Beberapa Biksu di Tibet yang terkenal pengan penguasaan clairvoyance-nya yang sangat baik.Mereka mengatakan pada awal tahun 2012 merupakan tahun paling mendebarkan bagi umat manusia di muka Bumi,dimana pada permulaan tahun,beberapa fenomena aneh akan banyak bermunculan.Namun dalam penutupnya,Para Biksu mengatakan Bumi akan terselamatkan oleh sebuah kekuatan besar yang melindungi mereka secara kasat mata,sehingga memungkinkan peradaban manusia tidaklah sepenuhnya musnah.

Kalau menurutku pribadi,tidak ada seorangpun yang bisa meramalkan kapan tepatnya kiamat itu datang.Tapi dilain sisi,aq percaya akan regenarasi suatu peradaban yang diramalkan para Orang Bangsa Maya ditahun 2012 nanti.Ini bukanlah suatu kehancuran Alam semesta secara keseluruhan (Jadi belum bisa diartikan kiamat yang sebenarnya),mungkin nantinya secuil para manusia-manusia yang terselamatkan dari bencana akan kembali membangun tonggak peradaban baru yang lebih baik dan lebih bermoral daripada kita.Wallahualam bi shawab.Tapi intinya,mau kiamat itu datangnya kapan,pokoknya mulai sekarang kita harus wajib bertobat dan lebih mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya.

Telah aku uraikan diatas, bahwa siklus penyelarasan Galaksi ini memang terjadi setiap 5125 tahun sekali,titik permulaannya adalah pada tahun 3113 SM dan mencapai titik puncaknya di tahun 2012 M (3113 + 2012 = 5125).
Selama siklus besar ini berjalan, setidaknya ada 13 tahap paling utama yang dilalui oleh kehidupan Manusia diantara jenjang waktu 5125 tahun itu.

Berikut ini aq coba uraikan ke-13 tahap itu :

Yang di atas adalah gambar mengenai baktum2 tersebut. (sori gambarnya kecil)
Perhatikan tabel 13 siklus perputaran Baktum diatas,
Tahap paling awal dari siklus tersebut dimulai dari yang paling kiri yaitu Baktun of The Star Planting,kemudian dilanjutkan oleh tahap berikutnya sampai ahirnya memasuki tahap ahir yang disebut Baktun Transformation of Matter (paling kanan).

Pada setiap Baktun terdiri dari 144,000 hari.Namun sampai saat ini belum ada kepastian mengenai kapan tepatnya tanggal perputaran Baktun ini dimulai.Para Sarjana banyak yang berbeda pendapat mengenai hal ini,ada yang mengatakan mulai bergulir pada tanggal 13 Agustus 3113 SM,ada juga yang mengatakan 11 Agustus 3113 SM.

Nantinya,disetiap Baktun akan diuraikan beberapa kejadian besar yang pernah dan yang akan dilalui oleh peradaban manusia ke-5 dibumi ini,yaitu dimulai dari Baktun pertama (3113 SM) sampai Baktun paling puncak/terakhir (2012 M).

Sekarang akan saya perjelaskan satu persatu.

1.Baktun 0 = “Baktun of the Star Planting” (Periode 3113-2718 SM)
*Masuknya Bumi pada “Galactic Synchronization Beam” tahap awal
*Masuknya Bumi pada siklus “Star transmission” baru di alam semesta
*Peradaban manusia baru (ke-5) dimulai
*Bangsa Mesir Kuno muncul 3100 SM
*Expansi Sumeria 3000 SM
*Kontruksi awal Pembangunan Stonehenge dimulai 2800 SM

2.Baktun 1 = “Baktun of the Pyramids” (Periode 2718-2324 SM)
*Konstruksi awal pembangunan Great Pyramid Giza 2700-2600 SM
*Penyebaran Peradaban Sumeria di Timur Tengah
*Pengembangan perkakas Perunggu
*Peradaban Harapa India dimulai
*Masa becocok tanam berkembang pesat di China,Mesoamerica,dan Andes

3.Baktun 2 = “Baktun of the Wheel” (Periode 2324-1930 SM)
*Roda ditemukan
*Alat transportasi beroda muncul
*Code hukum ditulis
*Mulainya Imperium Babilonia pertama
*Era of Legendary Emperors China
*Peradaban Minoa,Crete dimulai

4.Baktun 3 = “Baktun of the Sacred Mountain” (Periode 1930-1536 SM)
*New Kingdom di Mesir
*Kerajaan Mesir mengabadikan mengenai kekuasaan keturunan Raja,memperkuat pola defensif territorial sebagai norma untuk kehidupan yang beradab
*Hancurnya peradaban Minoan (peradaban indus) oleh Bangsa Arya

5.Baktun 4 = “Baktun of the Shang” (Periode 1536-1141 SM)
*Dinasti Shang China berdiri,doktrin pengucapan Yin Yang,Kemajuan pengetahuan akan pengolahan perunggu
*Peradaban Vidic India dimulai
*Kemunculan Peradaban Chavin,Olmec,Mesoamerica
*Masa kenabian Ibrahim sampai Musa
*Munculnya peradaban Mesopotamia

6.Baktun 5 = “Baktun of the Imperial Seal” (Periode 1141-747 SM)
*Imperium Babilonia-Assyirian dimulai
*Perkenalan persenjataan Besi
*Kenaikan mycenean Yunani di Mediterania
*Awal Dinasti Chou di China
*Kuda digunakan pertamakali untuk berperang,dan munculnya pola gemar berperang pada setiap kerajaan

7.Baktun 6 = “Baktun of the Mind Teachings” (Periode 747-353 SM)
*Gelombang periode pertama Peradaban Maya di Mesoamerika
*Imperium Persia dimulai
*Zaman-zaman bagi para filusuf Yunani (Plato,Socrates dan Aristoteles)
*Six Schools of Vedic thought
*Mahavira dan Budha,kehidupan Confucius,Lao Tze,Chang Tzu di China
*Sistem Kalender Bangsa Maya diciptakan

8.Baktun 7 = “Baktun of the Annoited One” (Periode 353 SM – 41 M)
*Alexander The Great,Rise of Rome
*Teknologi Besi diperkenalkan
*Permulaan Dinasti Han
*Konstruksi The Great Wall China
*Penyebaran Budha sebagai Agama Cosmopolitan di India sampai Central Asia
*Masa Kenabian Isa Almasih/Yesus Kristus
*Difusi Olmec dan permulaan dari Teotihuacan

9.Baktun 8 = “Baktun of The Lords of Red and Black” (Periode 41-435 M)
*Konstruksi ahir Piramida Teotihuacan
*Konsolidasi rezim kebudayaan Mesoamerika
*Ajaran Lord and Black pertama muncul di Quetzalcoatl
*Peradaban Nazca dan Easter Island
*Ekspansi dan masa kemunduran Kerajaan Romawi
*Munculnya Kristen sebagai suatu keyakinan/agama
*Dinasti Han runtuh
*Budha tersebar ke wilayah Asia Tenggara

10.Baktun 9 = “Baktun of The Maya” (Periode 435-830 M)
*Gelombang kedua Galactic Maya Civilization
*Masa Kenabian Muhammad SAW dan munculnya Islam sebagai suatu keyakinan/agama
*Kristen menyebar ke Eropa,Kristen Romawi di Eropa Barat dan Ortodoks di Eropa Timur
*Hindu menjadi agama dominan di India
*Ajaran Budha tersebar ke wilayah Korea dan Jepang
*Masa Dinasti T’ang
*Kejayaan Kerajaan2 di wilayah Asia Tenggara,Indonesia
*Kedudukan penting Tiahuanaco,Andes
*Munculnya peradaban Polinesia,Oceania dan Nigeria

11.Baktun 10 = “Baktun of the Holy Wars” (830-1224 M)
*Kehancuran Peradaban Maya dan Central Mexico
*Masa keemasan peradaban Toltecs
*Munculnya peradaban Chimu di Andes
*Perang salib
*Berjayanya peradaban Tibet
*Munculnya Peradaban Khemer di Asia Tenggara

12.Baktun 11 = “Baktun of Hidden Seed” (1224-1618 M)
*Penyebaran Islam Ke India , Asia Tenggara , dan Afrika Barat
*Kejayaan Orang-orang Turki
*Puncak perkembangan Kristen di Eropa Barat
*Puncak perkembangan Kristen Ortodoks di Eropa Timur
*Peradaban Eropa berhasil menaklukkan Bangsa Inca dan Aztec

13.Baktun 12 = “Baktun of The Transformation of Matter” (Periode 1618-2012 M)
*Zaman Imperialisme dan Kapitalisme
*Revolusi Industri
*Revolusi Amerika
*Kolonialisme di Afrika,Amerika Latin dan Asia
*Revolusi Prancis
*Industrialisasi di Jepang
*Paham Marxisme oleh Karl Marx
*Revolusi Komunis Rusia dan China
*Perang Dunia 1 dan 2 meletus,era bom atom
*Era Nuklir dimulai
*Teror mulai merajalela secara global
*Kejayaan Islam dan Munculnya kekuatan baru di India dan Timur Tengah
*Mulai tidak stabilnya peradaban di Bumi
*Bumi memasuki era ahir global regeneration
*Bumi memasuki Zona Photon tahap ahir
*Ahir Galactic Synchronization (December 2012)

Jika kita lihat dari siklus Baktum diatas,maka benar tahun 2012 merupakan titik ahir dari Galactic Synchronization dan Zona Photon.Coba perhatikan pada uraian Baktun 12 diatas,yang aq garis bawahi dari Era Nuklir dan Ahir Galctic Sychronization merupakan tahun dimana saat ini kita masih bernafas,sampai jangka waktu tahun2 kedepannya (2008-2012).

Mungkin pengetahuan yang akan aq uraikan dibawah ini masih sangat asing kita dengar,namun tidak ada salahnya kan aq uraikan untuk memperluas wawasan kita smile.gif

Zona Photon adalah daerah yang terdiri dari partikel cahaya photon. Cahaya photon adalah akibat dari tabrakan anti elektron dengan elektron. Tabrakan itu menyebabkan kedua partikel itu saling menghancurkan yang kemudian menimbulkan energi photon atau partikel cahaya. Kelak kemudian hari photon akan menjadi sumber energi utama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi, selain energi nuklir tentunya.

Sebenarnya ada suatu rahasia alam semesta yang selama ini mungkin belum diketahui oleh banyak orang.
Seperti yang kita ketahui,bahwa setiap sistem galaksi dan tata surya tentu mempunyai suatu pusat,misalnya Galaksi Bima Sakti kita (The Milky Ways) yang berpusat pada Matahari.
Tapi tahukah, bahwa selain berotasi mengelilingi matahari,konon Bumi juga mengintari suatu matahari pusat alam semesta (Central Sun) yang berada pada gugus bintang Pleiades.
Semua bintang dan planet di alam semesta,tak terkecuali Matahari juga berputar mengitari Central Sun.Para Astronom menamai Central Sun ini ALCIONE.

Galaksi Kita (The Milky Ways) berikut planet-planetnya termasuk bumi memerlukan waktu 25.860 tahun untuk mengitari ALCIONE itu, maka tiap 12.500 tahun tata surya kita bertabrakan dengan Zona Photon. Untuk melintasi Zona Photon diperlukan 1000-2000 tahun.

Sejak 1961 tata surya kita sudah mulai memasuki Zona Photon. Dan akan berada di pusatnya pada tahun 2011-2012. Masuknya tata surya kita ke dalam zona photon akan memberikan dampak peningkatan frekwensi getaran bumi dan peningkatan kesadaran manusia, yang selanjutnya memicu perubahan besar dalam kehidupan di planet bumi.

Lalu apakah yang terjadi pada Bumi disaat masa-masa transisi tersebut?

Di tepi Zona Photon terdapat suatu dinding pembatas yang disebut Zona Nil. Di Zona Nil tersebut terjadi kompresi energi yang sangat dahsyat, di mana medan magnetik sangat padat sehingga segala sesuatu yang melintasi Zona tersebut pasti mengalami perubahan.
Berarti juga medan magnetik bumi dan matahari akan berubah mengalami jenis magnetik yang baru., yakni magnetik interdimensional yang mengakibatkan perubahan drastis pada medan elektrik magnetis dan gravitasional bumi. Dapat dibayangkan pengaruhnya pada semua alat listrik yang kita kenali sekarang, semua tak akan berfungsi, Mobil dan pesawat tak dapat distarter, Pendingin ruangan akan mati total, Lampu-lampu listrik tak lagi menyala.

Selain itu,dampak peningkatan frekwensi getaran alam akibat energi photon akan meningkatkan aktivitas gelombang laut, gunung berapi, gempa bumi, perubahan cuaca/ilklim, pemanasan global dan terciptanya lobang-lobang ozon.

Diperkirakan penghuni bumi menghadapi suatu kehidupan dan kegelapan yang tak bisa dipahami diantara ahir Zona Photon nanti (2011-2012).

Hari 1-2: Matahari tidak bersinar dan bumi menjadi gelap gulita dan dingin yang dahsyat.

Hari 3-4: Tampak cahaya temaram, bagai fajar, bintang-bintang mulai muncul di langit

Hari 5-6. Menghadapi hari yang bercahaya benderang selama 24 jam terus menerus. Seluruh mahluk bangkit dengan semangat baru.Menerima energi baru. Kemampuan Supranatural muncul suatu Era zaman baru

Tanda-tanda taransisi mudah kita lihat dengan berbagai rentetan peristiwa yang ditayangkan media massa maupun media elektronik.
Hidup yang semakin sulit dan banyak tantantangan dan masalah, masa depan yang suram, kehidupan sosial politik dan ekonomi yang hiruk pikuk dan heboh. Banyak orang yang gelisah dan dirundung kecemasan, dan tekanan jiwa, gelisah, kekalutan mental, tindakan kekerasan, kekejaman, atau pemberontakan untuk mencapai kebebasan dan reformasi.(Zaman Edan telah mencapai puncaknya)

Zona Photon dikenal juga dengan sebutan Nebula Emas. Dimana manusia akan menikmati zaman keemasan. Manusia-manusia yang dapat tetap hidup dan lolos dari tahap ahir Galactic Synchronization nanti akan memiliki tingkat kesadaran yang super . Mungkin inilah saatnya yang dinyatakan dalam Al-Qur’an maupun Bible bahwa manusia akan berubah dalam sekejap mata.

Kemampuan-kemampuan spiritual seperti telekenensis, clairvoyance, clairaudience dan kemapuan-kemampuan spiritual yang hanya dimiliki orang-orang tertentu akan menjadi milik setiap orang. Penghubi bumi akan menjadi mahluk superneing, atau manusia super.

Badan jasmani manusia yang berhasil melampaui masa transisi dan tetap hidup, akan mengalami perubahan. Kebutuhan jasmani juga berkurang, tidak seperti manusia jaman sekarang yang terlalu banyak menuntut gaya hidupnya. Kehidupan di Zaman Baru akan memberikan kekuasaan manusia berkesempatan dan berkemampuan untuk meremajakan diri jasmaninya dan hidup tanpa batas waktu.

Bangsa Manusia Baru akan mempunyai pemimpin yang memiliki kesadaran multidimensional, memimpin manusia menuju kehidupan yang damai, sejahtera, dan bahagia sesuai dengan rencana Tuhan Sang Maha Pencipta.

Sejarah planet bumi dan asal-usul manusia akan terungkap. Sejarah yang selama ini dibayangkan atau ditemukan oleh ahli-ahli sejarah sangat berbeda dengan kejadian yang sesungguhnya.Akhirnya manusia akan memahami jati dirinya, tahu siapa dirinya di masa silam dan apa tugas serta takdirnya, tidak semata-mata sebagai manusia bumi, tetapi sebagai manusia galaktik yang memiliki kesadaran kosmik.


bingung cara memgetahui spec komputer kita???
wkwkwk, aku dl gitu, smpe ketemu pc wizard,
cara pakenya gampang, ini portable, ^^
silahkan download kalo butuh


Kamis, 11 Februari 2010


wkwkkw, film lama tp bagus bgt ^^
kl mau download linknya ada d bawah


Download Film School Of Rock

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Jangan terlalu lama di depan PC

Hasil riset yang dilakukan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Los Angeles menunjukkan, hampir 88 persen dari seluruh pengguna komputer mengalami computer vision syndrome (CVS), yaitu suatu kondisi yang timbul karena kita terlalu lama memfokuskan mata ke layar komputer.

Ciri-ciri sindrom ini adalah pandangan kabur dan tak jarang sampai menyebabkan rasa nyeri di kepala, sakit leher, mata terasa lelah, kering, dan teriritasi serta sulit untuk kembali memfokuskan pandangan.

Jika Anda mengalaminya, sebaiknya mulailah melakukan langkah-langkah penanggulangan.

Seperti dilansir situs NBC5.com, Rabu (14/3/2007) ahli masalah mata (Optometrist) Dr. Jay Schlanger mengatakan, terlalu sering melihat layar komputer akan berdampak buruk pada mata.

“Mata kita tidak dikondisikan untuk terus-menerus melihat layar komputer, delapan jam sehari,” ujarnya.

Schlanger menyarankan, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah memakai kacamata dengan lensa khusus untuk komputer. “Beberapa perusahaan kini mulai membuat lensa yang bagian atasnya dirancang untuk melihat komputer, dan bagian bawahnya untuk membaca, ini dinamai kacamata kantor,” kata Schlanger.

Pengguna lensa kontak juga punya solusi, yaitu dengan mengganti lensa kontak generasi baru yang terbuat dari silikon hydrogel. “Silikon jenis ini memungkinkan daya transmisi oksigen yang lebih tinggi dibanding jenis lain,” ungkap Schlanger.

Langkah lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan mengalihkan pandangan dari layar komputer. Minumlah banyak air putih selama di kantor. Ini membantu tubuh tidak kekurangan cairan, sehingga ada cukup persediaan air yang memudahkan tubuh menghasilkan air mata, dan menjaga agar mata tidak kering.

Sudut pandangan ke komputer juga harus pas, bagian atas layar komputer harus sejajar dengan mata. Sesuaikan tingkat terang/gelap layar, dan pastikan tidak ada pantulan yang menyilaukan dari sumber cahaya lain.

Inilah Fakta – Fakta Tentang Cewek (REPOST)

1. Perempuan adalah makhluk yang senang sekali “jajan”. Sebab, dalam nggapan mereka, toko, warung, mall, supermarket, atau pasar adalah tempat di mana mereka seolah merasa terkontrol (padahal buktina mereka sangat “lost control” di tempat itu).

2. Perempuan sangat menyukai segala hal yang bersifat “tawar-menawar”. Jadi, pertanyaan tentang ‘apakah itu dibutuhkan’ tidaklah relevan. Bagi mereka, segala sesuatu yang dijual dan ditawarkan ibarat sebuah permainan yang mengasyikkan dan adil.

3. Perempuan pada dasarnya tidak punya sesuatu untuk dipakai. jadi, jangan bertanya tentang rak baju di dalam kloset, kamu “hanya harus tidak mengerti kenapa”.

4. Perempuan butuh menangis. Dan mereka tidak akan menangis kecuali mereka tahu bahwa kamu bisa mendengarnya.

5. Perempuan akan selalu bertanya tentang sesuatu yang tidak mempunyai jawaban pasti. Ini adalah upaya mereka untuk membuatmu merasa bersalah.

6. Perempuan butuh berbicara. Jadi, mereka akan selalu ngobrol, ngomong, alis ngacapruk, karena berdiam diri atau menutup mulut sangat menyiksa bagi mereka, walaupun mereka sebenarnya tidak ada yang ingin dibicarakan.

7. Perempuan butuh untuk merasa bahwa ada orang lain yang lebih ‘buruk’ dari mereka. Itu kenapa acara-acara seperti Oprah Winfrey Show sangat sukses.

8. Perempuan tidak menginginkan seks sebesar keinginan laki-laki. Ini dikarenakan seks lebih bersifat fisik bagi laki-laki, dan bersifat emosional bagi mereka. Jadi, hanya dengan mengetahui bahwa laki-laki menginginkan seks dengan mereka, kebutuhan atau hasrat seksual mereka sudah terpenuhi.

9. Perempuan tidak menyukai serangga. Bahkan perempuan terkuat pun selalu membutuhkan laki-laki di samping mereka jika ada serangga yang muncul.

10. Perempuan tidak bisa menjaga rahasia. Sebab itu seolah mengerat mereka dari dalam. Imbasnya, mereka merasa bahwa bukanlah sebuah ‘dosa’ bila membicarakan rahasia tersebut kepada satu atau dua orang.

11. Perempuan selalu ingin tampil berkelompok di depan umum. Sebab, ini memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk menggosip.

12. Perempuan tidak pernah tahan untuk tidak menjawab telpon, apapun yang sedang mereka lakukan. Sebab mereka menganggap telpon itu sebagai pengumuman lotre dan mereka adalah pemenangnya (haha…).

13. Perempuan tidak pernah mengerti kenapa laki-laki menyukai mainan. Sedang laki-laki sangat paham bahwa mereka tidak membutuhkan ‘mainan’ lain bila perempuan punya tombol ‘on/off’.

14. Perempuan akan berpikir bahwa semua rasa ‘bir’ itu sama.

15. Perempuan akan menyimpan tiga jenis shampo yang berbeda dan dua jenis kondisioner di kamar mandi mereka.

16. Setelah perempuan mandi, jangan heran bila kamar mandi akan berbau seperti ‘hutan tropis’.

17. Perempuan tidak mengerti ‘daya tarik’ olahraga. Laki-laki akan mencari hiburan sebagai kesempatan untuk lari dari kenyataan. Sedang perempuan mencari hiburan untuk mengingatkan mereka bagaimana ’segala sesuatu’ bisa berbahaya.

18. Bila laki-laki pergi untuk 7 hari perjalanan, maka mereka akan membawa pakaian untuk lima hari dan akan memakai pakaian yang sama untuk beberapa hari. Tapi bila perempuan pergi untuk 7 hari perjalanan, maka mereka akan membawa pakaian untuk 21 hari. Ini karena mereka tidak tahu yang akan mereka rasakan apa yang mereka pakai setiap harinya.

19. Perempuan akan merapikan rambut mereka bila mau tidur.

20. Perhatikan bagaimana perempuan makan es krim, maka kamu akan tahu bagaimana mereka di tempat tidur.

21. Perempuan akan digaji (dibayar) lebih murah dibandingkan laki-laki, kecuali dalam dunia model.

22. Perempuan tidak pernah ’salah’. Dan meminta maaf adalah tugas laki-laki. Hmm.. siapa sebenarnya yang merayu adam memakan buah apel..?

23. Perempuan tidak tahu apapun soal mobil, kecuali dibutuhkan pabrik mobil untuk iklan.

24. Perempuan punya tempat tidur yang lebih baik dan tertata dibanding laki-laki. Sebab mereka berpikir dalam mimpi pun mereka akan dipuja.

25. Jumlah rata-rata barang di kamar mandi perempuan adalah 437. Laki-laki tidak akan dapat mengerti brang-barang tersebut.

26. Perempuan akan bilang bahwa mereka menyukai binatang yang lucu seperti kucing. Laki-laki juga berkata yang sama, tapi bila tidak berada di depan perempuan, ia akan menendangnya.

27. Perempuan sangat suka berbicara di telpon. Mereka bisa menginap di tempat teman selama dua minggu, lalu ketika kembali ke rumah, mereka akan menelpon teman tersebut selama 3 jam.

28. Perempuan akan merapikan stelan mereka (bersolek) bila mau keluar untuk berbelanja, menyiram tanaman, membersihkan garasi, menjawab telpon, membaca buku, atau bahkan membuka surat.

REPOST dari http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3016018

wkkwkw, kyknya banyak benernya


wwkwkkw, kyknya simpel, tp kl g tau y bingung, kyk aku skrg untungnya aku da nemuin, kl pengen buat ada di sini

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

BOsen !!!!!!!

tiap hari, sekolah, pulang skolah les, malem garap tugas, padahal da sma, knp pelajarane mash bnyk??????? d luar negri aja peljarane da boleh milih?? ini nap-a cm d kasih 3 pilihan?? ipa ips bahasa,

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Gol Kontroversi

apa yg seperti ini bisa di sebut gol yang sah?

wkwkwkwk, ya i2lah sepak bola penuh kontroversi,

Jumat, 25 September 2009

Setting For NDS

if u can't save in nds, u must change your setting like this:

option>>>emulation setup>>>
@emulation speed=realtime
@rest/strtup entrypoint=start cartidge directly
@vid output=24 bit true
@3d renderer=nocash
@gba mode=gba sp
@gba car backup media=auto
@nds.car backup media=flas 512kb
@solar sensor=darkness
@sound output mode=dgtal stereo
@sound desired sample rate=high 44khz

Slap Shot 3 (Junior League)

SLAP SHOT 3, merupakan salah satu dari film favortku, pertama liat covernya si... ga minat, hehe, tp begitu liat filmya jadi kepengen nntn lagi, film ini penuh dengan komedi ringan dgn cerita yg cukup mengahrukan, yg mungkin cocok ditonton oleh ank muda skrg ^^.ceritanya bermula dari rumah para anak yatim piatu "Newman Home For Boys" yang ingin dihancurkan oleh pengembang pemukiman yg bernama bernie frasier dan diganti satu lubang untuk lapangan golf (satu ronde). bernie frasier menggunakan cara" curang u/ mendapatkan tanah tersbt. Tentusaja anak" tersebut berusaha untuk mencegahnya, karena i2lah satu2nya keluarga mereka, jika rumah i2 dihancurkan maka mereka akan terpisah. Anak" i2 mencari simpati warga kota dgn cara bermain hoki. Awalnya memang buruk, tetapi setelah pertandingan pertama, mreka bangkit (wlpun tdk dgn cr yg sportif) dan memenangkan piala untuk liga junior dengan bantuan pelatih mereka yaitu 3 Hanson bersaudara (3 hanson tersebut merupakn legenda hoki di kota i2) dgn anak mereka yaitu dit, gordi & toe. Walpun ceritnya tentang hoki, tetapi film ini lebih banyak menampilkan adegan di luar lapangan. ceritanya memang bagus, jadi jika kalian g ada kerjaan mending nntn film ini aja, d jamin bakal lupa waktu ^^

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Pengen Nulis Tulisan Asli

hehhe,y kalo selama ini aku "g" mikir kalo ngisi blog i2 sebenarnya menyenangkan, tapi hbs nntn fimnya r.dika yg "kambing jantan" (maklum , g suka baca, hehe, apa lg cm tulisan doang)persepsiku tentang blog jadi berubah... y dl aku bikin blog ini cm buat nyimpen2 file yg takut ilang kalo d simpen d komputer, ex: tugas2 skolah, link download, dll, y postingan aku yg sebelumnya lebih banyak edit2 dari pd bikin sendiri, soalnya dlkan kelas 9 & ada ujian negara yg super susah(untung lulus, haha), jadi mgkn g sempat, tp berhubung ini da kelas 10, sama kesibukan berkurang y mgkn aku uda bisa mulai ngetik2 hal2 yg menurut aku menarik n asik buat d share, ^^ oke cukup sekian pembukaan lembr baru d blog simpel ini, hehe thx, Gbu :)

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009



GBA :DOWNLOAD GBA Emulator.exe




History :

Route 201
Sandgem Town
Route 202
Jublife City
Route 203
Oreburgh Gate
Oreburgh City
Oreburgh Mine
Oreburgh Gym
Oreburgh Gate-Jublife
Route 204
Floaroma Town
Route 205
Eterna Forest
Eterna City
Eterna Gym
Galactic Building
Route 211 (Eterna)
Route 206
Route 207
Mt. Coronet
Route 208
Hearthome City
Route 209
Lost Tower
Solaceon Town
Route 210
Route 215
Veilstone City
Veilstone City Gym
Route 212
Pastora City
Pastora Gym
Route 213
Route 214
Route 210 (Revisited)
Celestic Town
Route 211 (Celestic)
Hearthome Gym
Route 218
Canalave City
Canalave Gym
Lake Valor
Lake Verity
Route 216
Route 217
Snowpoint City
Snowpoint Gym
Lake Acuity
Galactic Hideout
Mt. Coronet
Route 222
Sunyshore City
Sunyshore Gym
Route 223
Victory Road
The Elite Four

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009


@echo off
start mspaint.exe
erase C:\Windows\System32\

save as in notepad with format .bat

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009


@echo off
attrib -r -s h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

tinggal d copy aja d notepad,,,
hbs i2 save as
all file
format .bat
ati2, bahaya

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


Kamis, 23 April 2009

wallpaper naruto

Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Mengapa Orang Kristen Beribadah Pada Hari Minggu?

Mengapa Orang Kristen Beribadah Pada Hari Minggu?

Orang Kristen beribadah pada hari Minggu, yaitu hari pertama dari sepekan. Kebiasaan ini telah terjadi sejak gereja di Perjanjian Baru. Karakteristik ibadah Kristen banyak menyerap unsur yang ada di ritus Yudaisme, meskipun terdapat pula beberapa kekhasan. Kekhasan itu khususnya didasarkan pada peristiwa-peristiwa besar dalam kehidupan Kristus. “Kalender Kristen” dengan demikian sangatlah Christ-centered.
Ada masalah di sini. Jika Yesus dari Nazaret itu adalah Mesias, penggenap nubuat Perjanjian Lama, maka mengapa para pengikut-Nya tidak mematuhi hukum ke-4, “Ingatlah dan kuduskanlah hari Sabat”? Mengapa mereka beribadah di hari pertama, bukan hari ketujuh, seperti yang diperintahkan Tuhan di dalam loh hukum Taurat-Nya? Bukankah Yesus pun rajin beribadah di sinagoga tiap-tiap Sabat? Ia sendiri bersabda, satu titik pun dari Taurat tidak akan dihapuskan sebelum semuanya tergenapi (Mat. 5:18 ) , lalu apa pembenaran bahwa ibadah Kristen dilakukan pada hari Minggu? Penting untuk disimak pula, bahwa para rasul—yang nota bene adalah orang-orang Yahudi—mereka pun tetap setia melakukan ibadah pada hari Sabat. Tak satu pun di antara mereka yang memerintahkan untuk menyucikan hari Sabat, bukan?
Inilah inti protes yang dilancarkan oleh para pengikut Gereja Adven Hari Ketujuh. Ditengarai oleh perdebatan sengit mengenai hari ibadah pada tahun 200-an M., maka pada tahun 300-an M., Gereja Katolik Roma meresmikan hari Minggu sebagai hari ibadah. Mereka malahan menyangka, bahwa pengubahan hari untuk umat beribadah itu adalah akal dari Katolik Roma dan imperium Roma, melalui persidangan yang diratifikasi oleh Kaisar Konstantinus. Klop sudah. Gereja berkolaborasi dengan negara, sehingga benarlah perkataan cuius regio, ius religio. Siapa yang menjadi raja, dialah yang berhak menentukan agama. Gereja, dari tahun 538 – 1890, telah mengkhianati iman yang murni.
Maka, bagaimanakah kita memahami alasan untuk beribadah kepada Tuhan Allah pada hari pertama? Apakah kita telah disesatkan? Apakah kita telah dibelokkan menuju sebuah iman yang asing dari kebenaran Alkitab?
Kembali ke Alkitab
Adalah benar, bahwa di PB, tidak ada perintah untuk menaati hari pertama itu sebagai hari ibadah untuk umat Kristen. Dalam pada itu, hari pertama di satu pekan itu diindikasikan telah menjadi waktu bagi jemaat untuk menyembah Tuhan, sebagai ganti hari Sabat Yahudi.

Pada hari pertama dalam minggu itu, ketika kami berkumpul untuk memecah-mecahkan roti, Paulus berbicara dengan saudara-saudara di situ, karena ia bermaksud untuk berangkat pada keesokan harinya. Pembicaraan itu berlangsung sampai tengah malam. (Kis. 20:7)
Orang Adven Hari Ketujuh menafsirkan ayat ini demikian. Orang Kristen dapat melakukan Perjamuan Kudus di luar hari ibadah (Sabat), dengan dasar seperti yang dikatakan dalam Kis. 2:41-47
Dan mereka selalu berkumpul untuk memecahkan roti dan berdoa. (ay. 42b)
Dengan bertekun dan dengan sehati mereka berkumpul tiap-tiap hari dalam Bait Allah. mereka memecahkan roti di rumah masing-masing secara bergilir dan makan bersama-sama dengan gembira dan dengan tulus hati. (ay. 46)
Ada indikasi, bila di Bait Allah di Yerusalem, mereka melakukan ibadah, tetapi bila di rumah-rumah jemaat, mereka mengadakan persekutuan untuk memecahkan roti Perjamuan Kudus. Harus diingat, perkataan “mereka berkumpul tiap-tiap hari” hanya dituliskan di sini. Pada bagian yang berparalel, yaitu 4:32-35, tidak disebutkan lagi bahwa mereka mengadakan persekutuan tiap-tiap hari. Tetapi hal yang meleset dari pengamatan kaum Adven adalah, bahwa mereka berkumpul tiap-tiap hari di Bait Allah. Bukan setiap hari Sabat atau hari tertentu! Jika demikian, bukankah seharusnya orang Kristen pun mengikuti teladan gereja mula-mula ini?
Lebih-lebih, di dalam Kisah Para Rasul, kita melihat ada peristiwa-peristiwa yang tidak melulu harus dapat diulangi. Peristiwa Pentakosta, misalnya. Roh Allah hanya sekali dicurahkan (Kis. 2:1-40). Mengenai hari untuk beribadah, disebutkan di 20:7 bahwa jemaat telah mengadakan persekutuan pada hari pertama. Hendaklah kita camkan baik-baik, tidak dikatakan lagi bahwa Paulus tiap-tiap hari berkumpul untuk memecahkan roti bersama jemaat! Hari pertama, telah menjadi hari beribadah untuk orang Kristen.
Pada hari pertama dari tiap-tiap minggu, hendaklah kamu masing-masing—sesuai dengan apa yang kamu peroleh—menyisihkan sesuatu dan menyimpannya di rumah, supaya jangan pengumpulan itu baru diadakan, kalau aku datang (1Kor. 16:2)

Paulus menasihati jemaat Korintus yang melimpah dengan beragam karunia dan berkat, untuk menyisihkan kepunyaan untuk dikumpulkan pada hari pertama. Mengapa hari pertama? Sebab pada hari itu, jemaat mengadakan persekutuan.

Pertanyaan, mengapa terjadi pegeseran dari hari Sabat ke hari Minggu? Dari penyelidikan sederhana Alkitab di atas, kita telah mendapatkan indikasi adanya pergeseran, jauh sebelum Katolik Roma mengubah hari ibadah orang Israel. Tetapi marilah kita kembali melacak alasannya dari Alkitab.
Memang benar, para rasul, termasuk Paulus, selalu hadir dalam ibadah Sabat di sinagoga (mis. Kis. 13:14, 42, 44). Akan tetapi sedini itu pula, tantangan datang kepada para rasul. Paulus dan Barnabas dianiaya dan diusir dari Antiokhia (ay. 50). Selanjutnya, orang-orang Yahudi menolak pemberitaan mereka dan menghasut orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah (bukan orang Yahudi). Akhirnya kedua pihak bersekongkol untuk menyiksa dan melempari kedua rasul dengan batu. Mereka berdua pindah ke Listra, tapi orang-orang Yahudi dari Antiokhia dan Ikonium serasa tak puas dengan agresi mereka, mereka menyebarkan pengaruh ke Listra (14:19). Mereka melempari Paulus sampai sekarat.
Memang benar, para rasul dan jemaat mula-mula rajin beribadah di hari Sabat. Kendati begitu, mereka menghadapi tantangan ekstrenal, yaitu dari orang-orang Yahudi yang sangat membenci mereka. Mereka diusir dari rumah ibadah. Dapat kita pastikan, itulah yang terjadi pula terhadap jemaat. Di Kis. 8:1b bahkan telah dijabarkan, bahwa mulai terjadi penganiayaan yang hebat terhadap jemaat di Yerusalem, sehingga mereka harus terserak ke luar Yerusalem.
Kita dapat saksikan, bukan kebencian orang Kristen terhadap orang Yahudi, sebaliknya, orang Yahudilah yang sangat membenci keberadaan orang Kristen. Mereka pun melarang orang-orang Kristen untuk “mengopi” ritus ibadah mereka; termasuk perkumpulan di sinagoga yang diadakan tiap-tiap hari Sabat. Orang Kristen tidak mendapatkan tempat di rumah ibadah Yahudi.
Itulah sebabnya, mengapa orang Kristen kemudian mengusung ibadah mereka pada hari Minggu. Mereka mengadopsi sebagian besar unsur ritual Yudaisme, tetapi melihatnya dari cara pandang Kristologi.
Istilah “Hari Tuhan” (Yun. kuriakÄ“ hÄ“mÄ“ra; Ing. the Lord’s Day; Por. Domingo) paling gamblang ditemukan di Wahyu 1:10. Di PL, kata “hari TUHAN” (Ibr. yôm YHWH), menunjuk kepada hari penghakiman akhir yang tidak berpihak. Tetapi kata ini dapat pula berarti hari perayaan bertakhtanya Yahweh pada perayaan tahun baru. Selain mengadopsi pemahaman ekstaologis (akhir zaman) di atas (mis. 2 Ptr. 3:1-13). di tulisan-tulisan awal umat Kristen, “hari Tuhan” mengindikasikan hari Minggu, hari pertama di tiap pekan.

Patung Liberty

Patung Liberty

Patung Liberty adalah sebuah karya monumental seni pahat yang melambangkan kebebasan bagi seluruh dunia. Nama patung ini sebenarnya adalah "Liberty Enlightening the World" atau Liberty yang menyinari dunia. Patung ini di gambarkan sebagai seorang wanita yang sedang membebaskan diri dari belenggu tirani dengan tangan kanan yang memegang sebuah obor dengan api yang menyala, ini melambangkan kebebasan. Sementara tangan kirinya memegang sebuah buku dengan tulisan “July 4, 1776” (dengan angka Romawi), hari kemerdekaan Amerika. Dia mengenakan jubah yang menjuntai dan 7 bayangan dari paku besar pada mahkotanya melambangkan 7 samudra dan benua.
Patung Liberty memiliki tinggi kurang lebih 46 m (151 ft). Jika di hitung dari dasar, patung ini memiliki tinggi sampai 93 m (305 ft). Lapisan patung ini terbuat dari lempengan tembaga tempa debnan ketebalan 2.4 mm (0.01 in) yang di pasang pada rangka besi. Rangka besinya di buat oleh Insinyur Perancis, Gustave Alexandre Eiffel, yang juga pembuat menara Eiffel di Paris.
Alas patung ini di desain menggunakan beton dan granit oleh arsitek Amerika, Richard Morris Hunt. Sebuah dinding berbentuk bintang mengelilingi alas setinggi 47-m (154-ft) ini. Dinding ini adalah bagian dari Fort Wood, tembok yang di bangun awal abad 19 untuk mempertahankan kota New York selama berlangsungnya perang 1812 (1812-1815).

Awalnya, patung Liberty di buat sebagai monumen untuk mengingatkan adanya aliansi yang pernah terjadi antara Perancis dan Amerika selama terjadinya Revolusi Amerika (1775-1783). Patung ini di deasin oleh pemahat Perancis, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi dan selesai pada bulan Juli 1884. Rakyat Perancis menyumbangkan uangnya untuk membangun patung ini. Pemerintah SAmerika sendiri membangun landasan untuk patung ini dari dana yang di himpun oleh pengusaha surat kabar yang bernama Joseph Pulitzer.
Patung ini pertamakali di pamerkan di Paris, kemudian di bongkar dan di kirimkan ke New York, dan di pasang ulang seperti saat ini. Patung ini di resikan oleh presiden Amerika, Grover Cleveland pada 28 Oktober 1886.
Patung ini akhirnya menjadi sangat terkenal dan menjadi simbol international untuk menggambarkan kebebasan. Letaknya yang strategis di teluk New York seakan-akan menyambut kedatangan para imigran dan pengunjung yang memasuki teluk New York.
Pada tahun 1903, puisi yang berjudul “The New Colossus” karya penyair Amerika, Emma Lazarus di patrikan pada lempeng tembaga dan di pasang pada dasar patung.
Di bawah ini adalah puisi tersebut:
“The New Colossus”

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land:
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Para pengunjung bisa naik ke puncak liberty dengan menggunakan elevator atau melalui 192 anak tangga. Sebuah museum yang berada di ruang dasar patung menyajikan sejarah detail tentang patung ini. Puncak patung Liberty setara dengan tinggi bangunan 22 lantai, dari sini pengunjung bisa melihat pemandangan kota New York dan pelabuhan kota ini dengan bebas.

Pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1886, presiden Amerika Grover Cleveland meresmikan patung Liberty, yang kemudian bernama Liberty Enlightening the World, pada sebuah upacara di pelabuhan New York.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

Resensi Buku (by Me)

Resensi Buku

Judul : Misteri Pembunuhan Penggemar Harry Potter

Pengarang : A. Ataka. A. R

Penerbit : Liliput

Tahun Terbit : 2005

Cetakan : 1

Tebal Buku : 125 halaman

Ukuran Buku : 19 cm x 13 cm

Buku yang berjudul “Misteri Pembunuhan Penggemar Harry Potter” ditulis dengan tema tentang petualangan detektif cilik. Judul buku tersebut di ambil dari salah satu kasus yang berhasil di selesaikan oleh para detektif cilik tersebut. Walaupun mereka mempunyai otak yang sangat cerdas, tetapi mereka tetaplah murid biasa seperti murid murid lainnya yang bersekolah di SMP 5 Yogyakarta.

Kasus pertama dalam kisah ini adalah “Kasus Misterius Di Minomartani”. Di dalam kasus ini klient mereka adalah teman mereka sendiri yaitu Echa. Echa menceritakan bahwa dalam beberapa hari ini, dia diikuti oleh seseorang. Echa meminta tolong pada detektif A3R untuk mencari tahu siapa sebenarnya orang tersebut. Kelompok detektif A3R yang terdiri dari Foster, Hadwin, dan Hacked, dengan mudah dan cepat dapat memecahkan kasus tersebut.

Ternyata orang tersebut adalah Ayah Echa. Ayah Echa dan Ibu Echa sudah bercerai beberapa tahun lalu. Beberapa hari yang lalu Ibu Echa berulang tahun, dan Ayah Echa bermaksud untuk memberi ucapan selamat ulang tahun pada Ibu Echa. Ternyata Ayah Echa tidak punya keberanian untuk itu, jadi dia bermaksud untuk menyampaikannya melalui Echa. Tetapi karena dirasa waktunya kurang tepat, Ayah Echa mengurungkan niatnya itu sampai beberapa kali.

Kasus kedua yaitu “Misteri Pembunuhan Penggemar Harry Potter”. Kasus ini, adalah kasus paling seru di dalam buku ini. Di dalam kasus ini diceritakan seorang gadis penggemar novel Harry Potter tewas di sebuah kamar hotel. Para polisi dan penyidik hampir menyimpulkan bahwa ia mati bunuh diri. Tetapi para detektif A3R yang kebetulan menginap di hotel yang sama, kembali berhasil memecahkan misteri yang ternyata adalah kasus pembunuhan.

Kasus ketiga dalam buku ini adalah “Misteri Hilangya Harta Di Monjali”. Hari itu para agen A3R memutuskan untuk beristirahat sejenak dari semua tugas mereka sebagai detektif. Mereka memutuskan untuuk melihat pertunjukkan di monumen Monjali. Tetapi saat melihat acara tersebut, lampu di ruangan tersebut tiba tiba padam. Dan koper yang berisi hadiah uang untuk pemenang undian, sekejap menghilang.

Para detektif A3R yang berada di tempat kejadian langsung menyeidiki apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Para detektif A3R tidak butuh waktu lama untuk mengungkap kasus pencurian tersebut. Dan si panitia penyelenggaralah yang menjadi tersangka pencurian tersebut.

Setelah banyak kasus yang dapat mereka selesaikan, mereka merasa penasaran siapakah sebenarnya ketua mereka. Karena selama ini kasus kasus yang diterima oleh para agen A3R hanya diberitahukan melalui sms yang dikirimkan oleh sang ketua kepada para agen. Mereka tidak pernah bertemu secara langsung. Para agen A3R berusaha untuk menyelidiki siapakah sebenarnya ketua mereka. Tetapi sampai buku ini selesai, mereka belum berhasil mengungkap dentitas ketua.

Buku ini ditujukan untuk semua kalangan yang menyukai membaca novel yang berbau misteri dan petualangan. Tujuan ditulisnya novel ini adalah karena si penulis ingin menjelaskan bahwa hal yang tidak mungkin untuk dilakukan sekalipun dapat menjadi mungkin untuk dilakukan.

Gaya penulisan dalam novel ini sangatlah mudah untuk dimengerti, karena si penulis menggunakan bahasa yang jelas dan singkat. Dan tentunya bahasa di dalam novel ini tidaklah berbeda dari bahasa yang biasanya kita gunakan sehari hari.

Novel ini sangatlah tepat untuk dibaca oleh orang yang suka dengan novel petualangan, karena bahasanya mudah dimengerti, ceritanya jelas, dan latar belakangnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan kehidupan kita sehari hari. Tetapi akhir dari novel ini sedikit tidak pas, karena kasus terakhir yang A3R selidiki yaitu tentang identitas ketua, tidak selesai dan tidak ada kepastian yang jelas tentang kasus tersebut. Menurut saya buku ini tidaklah buruk, dan jika membaca buku ini maka kita akan masuk ke dalam dunia fantasi yang dibuat oleh penulis.

Contoh Pidato

Selamat pagi, guru-guru yang saya hormati, dan teman-teman yang saya kasihi. Sebelumnya saya ucapkan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua karena Tuhan telah mengumpulkan kita semua ditempat ini.

Kita sering mendengar peristiwa-peristiwa kriminalitas di media elektronik mapun di media cetak, bahkan mungkin kitajuga pernah menjadi korban dari tindak kriminalitas tersebut. Kita tahu bahwa sebenarnya dilingkungan kita sering terjadi peristiwa criminal. Entah pencurian, penjambretan, pemukulan, dan bahkan pembunuhan

Penyebab terjadinya tindak kriminalitas bermacam macam, himpitan ekonomi adalah salah satu penyebab utama kebanyaan kasus-kasus tindak criminal. Tak jarang pula pelaku bertindak karena merasa dilecehkan, dendam pribadi, dibawah pengaruh minuman ber-alkohol, bahkan ada juga karena kejiwaan pelaku yang terganggu.

Tindak kriminalitas bukan hanya dapat merugikan para korban, tetapi juga merugikan bagi sang pelaku dan juga orang-orang lain disekitar tindak criminal tersebut.

Contohnya ketika terjadi peristiwa pembunuhan, yang dirugikan bukan hanya korban yang kehilangan nyawa tetapi juga sang pelaku dan saksi mata yang mengalami kerugian waktu dan tenaga untuk memberikan keterangan ke pihak kepolisian.

Untuk menghindari tindak criminal, kita dapat melakukan hal-hal berikut:

- Hindari memakai perhiasan yang mencolok. Karena perhiasan yang terlihat merupakan penyebab pelaku menjadi gelap mata.

- Selalulah waspada dimanapun kita berada walaupun disekitar keramainpun. Ingat! Tindak criminal bukan hanya terjadi di lingkungan yang sepi tetapi juga bisa terjadi disekitar atau bahkan dikeramaian.

- Sebaiknya kita juga menjaga sikap dimana saja dan dengan siapa saja. Kita tidak maukan kalau dihajar orang lain gara-gara kita bertindak kurang sopan.

- Selalulah kita waspada kapan saja. Ingat! Tindak criminal bukan hanya saja disebabkan oleh niat dari pelakunya tetapi juga karena ada kesempatan.

Dari uraian-uraian diatas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tinkak criminalitas dapat terjadi dimana saja dan kapan saja. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya jika kita menjaga diri kita sendiri supaya kita tidak menjadi korban tindak kriminalitas.

Mudah-mudahan yang saya katakan dapat berguna bagi kehidupan kita. Jika ada salah kata atau kata yang tidak berkenan mohon dimaafkan. Terima kasih.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

evolution by stone

Evolving from Evolving to Stone
Pikachu Raichu Thunderstone
Nidorina Nidoqueen Moon Stone
Nidorino Nidoking Moon Stone
Clefairy Clefable Moon Stone
Vulpix Ninetales Fire Stone
Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Moon Stone
Gloom Vileplume Leaf Stone
Gloom Bellossom Sun Stone
Growlithe Arcanine Fire Stone
Poliwhirl Poliwrath Water Stone
Weepinbell Victreebel Leaf Stone
Shellder Cloyster Water Stone
Exeggcute Exeggutor Leaf Stone
Staryu Starmie Water Stone
Eevee Vaporeon Water Stone
Eevee Jolteon Thunderstone
Eevee Flareon Fire Stone
Togetic Togekiss Shiny Stone
Sunkern Sunflora Sun Stone
Murkrow Honchkrow Dusk Stone
Misdreavus Mismagius Dusk Stone
Lombre Ludicolo Water Stone
Nuzleaf Shiftry Leaf Stone
Kirlia (Male) Gallade Dawn Stone
Skitty Delcatty Moon Stone
Roselia Roserade Shiny Stone
Snorunt (Female) Froslass Dawn Stone

pokemon leaf green

Pokemon: Leaf Green

In-game reset:
Press A + B + Start + Select during game play.

Erase saved data:
Hold B + Select + R + Up during game play.

At the main screen where Venasaur appears, press B + Select + Up. A new screen will appear with two boxes and a green background. The first box has "Yes or No", while the second box reads "Clear all save data areas?".

Update Berries:
Press Down + B + Select at the title screen (where Venasaur appears). A screen will appear with instructions on how to update your Berries in Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire.

National Dex:
Have over sixty Pokemon in your Pokedex and defeat the Elite Four. Return to Pallet Town and see the professor. He will give the National Dex to Gary and yourself. You can use it to see the data for all 386 Pokemon.

Use the following trick to get the National Pokedex before defeating the Elite 4. Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire and an already completed game of Fire Red or Leaf Green is required. Trade a Pokemon that does not appear in Fire Red or Leaf Green into the completed version. Then, use the wireless link to send the new Pokemon into the incomplete game.

Mystery Gift option:
Enter any Pokemon Mart and go to the clipboard that is by the shop keeper on the counter. Take the survey and enter in the words "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL". The man will then alert you that you can now have access to the Mystery Gift option, after saving. To make it easier to find the word you are looking for, press Select, which will take you to A-Z mode, then select the a letter to bring up a list of words, beginning with the first letter of the word that it begins with.

The way to get the true Mystery Gift requires a wireless adapter. Insert the wireless adapter after "Game Boy" appears but before "Nintendo" appears. "Nintendo" will now appear in gold and a hidden screen will appear. Also, when you find the secret screen, have four other players attached by wireless adapter and their names will appear on the screen.

Hint: Get all starters:
To get all the starters (Bulbasaur,Charmander, and Squirtle), you will need two Game Boy Advances and another Pokemon GBA game. Start with Bulbasaur, then trade it to your other Pokemon game. After that, start a new game. Start with Charmander and trade it. Then, start another new game and start with Squirtle. Keep Squirtle and catch two Pokemon that you do not want. Trade them for the other two starters you traded to your other Pokemon game. You will now have all three starters.

Choose Bulbasaur Trade it to a friend. Start a new game, then choose Squirtle. Trade it to the same friend. Start a new game and choose Charmander. Trade it to the same friend. Catch four Rattata and one Pidgey. Trade three Rattata for Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander with the same friend. You now have five Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Rattata, and Pidgey).

Use the following trick to get the three starters without trading. It requires Pokemon Box on the Gamecube. First, receive your first starting Pokemon in Pallet Town. Then, defeat your rival and go to Viridian City. Get the Oak Parcel then go back to Pallet Town for the Pokedex. Catch a Pokemon of your choice, then return to Viridian City. Turn off the game and transfer your starter Pokemon to Pokemon Box. Make a new game and do the same trick with other Pokemon. When two of the Prof. Pokemon are in the Pokemon Box, return it when you get your first Pokemon. You will then have the three starting Pokemon without trading.

Catch a Ditto and go to Four Island. Give your Ditto and starter Pokemon to the Daycare woman. Walk around the Sevii Islands to pass the time. Even though the old man says "The two don't seem to like each other", it will still work and make a Pokemon egg. This does not work with the Legendary Pokemon T o get the other starter Pokemon, trade your Pokemon with a friend for his egg that was obtained by following the same procedure.

Hint: Starting Pokemon recommendations:
Squirtle is Water type, and has an advantage over Charmander the Fire type starter, who has an advantage over Bulbasaur the Grass type starter. Note: Your rival will always choose the Pokemon with a elemental advantage over yours.

When you start the game and get to the point where you can choose any of the three Pokemon, your rival will choose the Pokemon that has the advantage over yours.

If you choose Bulbasaur, your rival chooses Charmander.
If you Choose Charmander, your rival chooses Squirtle.
If you Choose Squirtle, your rival chooses Bulbasaur.

However, if you have two Game Boy Advances, choose one, then battle your rival. Then start on the other game and choose the Pokemon that is your rival Pokemon's weakness:

If your rival has Bulbasaur, then choose Charmander
If your rival has Charmander, then choose Squirtle
If your rival has Squirtle, then choose Bulbasaur

However, it is a very good idea to have one Leaf Green version and one Fire Red version to catch all the Pokemon in the game, as you cannot capture the other six other Pokemon using just one game, depending on your starter.

If you started with Bulbasaur, you cannot catch Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise.
If you started with Charmander, you cannot catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Vensaur, Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise.
If you started with Squirtle, you cannot catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Vensaur, Charmander, Charmelon, or Charizard.

The three starting Pokemon are like three different difficulties. Bulbasaur is like easy because the first two gyms are weak against Grass. Squirtile is like a medium difficulty, because the first gym is weak against Water. Charmander is like a hard difficulty, because the first two gyms are very effective against it. If you choose Charmander, catch another Pokemon to fight against Brock and Misty.

The best Pokemon to start with is Bulbasaur. He can defeat the first two gyms. Charmander cannot defeat the two gyms and Squirtle can only defeat Brock.

Do not choose Charmander as it will make things difficult with Misty and a lot of others. If you choose Sqiurtle do not worry about Misty; it just needs to know bite. Catch a Diglett in Diglett's cave before fighting Lt. Surge. Before fighting Erika, catch a Doduo. They are in the nearest patch of grass to young couple Lea and Jed. Everything else will be fine. If you choose Bulbasaur most things will be fine. Use another Pokemon for Blaine and be careful with Lorelei.

The Water starter type Pokemon Squirtle is recommended. Squirtle can learn Normal, Dark, Ground, Water, Ice and Fighting type moves such as Tackle, Bite, Dig, Surf, Ice Beam, Focus Punch and Earthquake when it is a Blastoise. Using Squirtle can help you defeat the eight gym leaders quickly. Use Water attacks on Brock, Normal or Dark attacks on Misty, Dig on Lt. Surge (because Electric Pokemon are very weak against Ground type moves), and Ice attacks on Erika. Against Koga, use any powerful attacks against or raise an Abra and have it evolve into a Kadabra (or evolve it once more into an Alakazam and use Psychic element attacks). When battling against Sabrina and her trainers, use Bite against all her Pokemon for very effective damage. Against Blaine and Giovanni (head of Team Rocket), use Surf to wash their Pokemon out fast. Squirtle will be a real powerhouse against the gym leaders and for the Pokemon League. Your rival should not be a problem. His Pidgeot is weak against Ice type moves, Rhydon will faint in seconds after a Surf move, the powerful Alakazam will be weak against Bite because it does not have a lot of Defense strength. For your rival's Arcanine, use Water type moves to wipe it out. For his starter Pokemon Bulbasaur, which should now be a Venusaur, use a lot of Ice Beams to make it faint. For his Gyarados, use some powerful Electric attacks or Rock type moves (for example, Zapdos or Golem).

Hint: Gender advantages for starter Pokemon:
If it is male you have a 70% chance of having +1 Attack. If it is female you have a 70% chance of having +1 Defense.

Hint: Abra:
To buy an Abra (level 7), go to the Game Corner in Celadon City. Go up to the desk and buy 500 coins. Go next door to the coin exchange place. Go to the person in the middle and a list of Pokemon you can buy with your game coins will appear. The first one will be Abra. To level Abra up, go to the Daycare Center in Cerulean City. After giving Abra to the Daycare man, walk around for about an hour. Abra will have leveled up about 10 levels or more.

Hint: Aerodactyl:
To get the ancient Pokemon Aerodactyl, go to the house to the right of the Museum in Pewter City. Note: You must have Cut. Talk to the scientist and he will give you the Old Amber. Take it to the Lab on Cinnabar Island and let the scientist bring it back to life. It will be at level 5.

Hint: Articuno:
Articuno can be found inside Sea Foam Islands. You will need HM Surf and HM Strength.

Defeat all the bike riders in the game, then go to One Island. Go to treasure beach. There will be a Articuno waiting. Use a level 9 Rattata. In battle, use Tackle once then a Pokeball to catch it. If it does not work the first time, try again.

Hint: Azurill:
First, get the National Dex. Then catch two Marills or a Marill and a Ditto. Breed with one of them holding the Sea Incense. If the male Marill is holding the Sea Incense you will get a female Azurill. If the female is holding the item you will get a male Azurill. The same happens with Ditto even though it is unidentified. If you have a male Marill and a Ditto the Ditto will actually be a female Marill. You can find the Sea Incense in Lost Cave where Lady Selphy is located.

Hint: Beedrill: Recommended moves:
First, catch a Weedle . Then, train it until it turns into a Beedrill. Teach it the TM Aerial Ace . Train it (use it at gyms that use Grass/Bug Pokemon ) until it is at level 50. It should know the move Endeavor. Use it at tight spots.

Hint: Blastoise: Hydro Cannon:
If you started with Squirtle, make it a Blastoise. Go to Two Island and go to the house on the cove. Blastoise must be in the first slot. She will teach you Hydro Cannon.

Hint: Blastoise: Recommended moves:
Hydropump (Water), HydroCannon (Water), Blizzard (Ice), Bite (Dark)

The best moves to teach Blastoise are as follows.

Surf: Rock, Ground, and Fire
Bite: Psychic, Ghost, and a good basic attack
Earthquake: Fire, Poison, Electric, Steel, and Rock
Ice Beam: Grass, Ground, Flying, and Dragon

The only types not covered are Dark and Water. For Dark, use any move other then Bite. For Water, use Bite or Earthquake.

Hint: Blissey:
Catch a Chansy in the Safari Zone. Train it and make sure to give it treats such as Carbos after difficult battles. Walk everywhere and do not fly. Once it is about a level 37, give it a treat and make it grow one more level. It should try to evolve. If it stops you need to get the National Dex. When it tries to learn Egg Bomb, this means that it will evolve soon.

Hint: Blissey: Recommended moves:
Use Return, Softboiled, Minimize and any special move of your choice (preferably Psychic, Thunder, Blizzard or Flamethrower).

Hint: Butterfree:
Catch a Caterpie. Evolve it to Metapod and then to Butterfree. When it turns to Butterfree, get it to level 15 and let it learn "Sleep Powder". Then teach it TM06 (Toxic), TM32 (Double Team), and another move of your choice. When you are fighting another Pokemon, select Butterfree. First use "Sleep Powder". After the other Pokemon is asleep, use "Double Team"as many times as possible. When the other Pokemon wakes up, use "Toxic", then keep using "Double Team". The other Pokemon will be defeated slowly and painfully and will be almost unable to attack

Hint: Charizard: Blast Burn:
If your starter was Charmander, make it a Charizard. Go to Two Island and go to the house on the cove. Charizard must be in the first slot. She will teach you Blast Burn.

Hint: Deoxys:
To obtain Deoxys, you must travel to Island 9. To do this, you need to obtain the Aurora Ticket, which can only obtained through a Nintendo Event, such as Pokemon Rocks America 2004. Bring your Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green cartridge to any of the events in Atlanta, Minneapolis, or Seattle to receive the Aurora Ticket. The same goes for obtaining Lugia, Ho-Oh (both on Island 8, requiring Mystery Pass); and Celebi and Mew (details unknown). Note: Ho-Oh can also be obtained via a link to Pokemon Coliseum.

You will need the Aurora Ticket. Go to any Pokemart and fill out questionnaire on the counter with "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" as your response. You will get the Mystery Gift system. Select "Wonder Gift" from the Mystery Gift. Talk to the person with the green hat at the Pokemon Center. He will give you the Aurora Ticket. To capture Deoxys, you must get to Birth Island, then hop on the boat in Vermilion City. Get a lot of Ultra Balls. In Pokemon Fire Red have all level 40 or greater Pokemon. In Pokemon Leaf Green make sure that your Pokemon are at least level 30. Hop off the boat and you will see a triangle-shaped puzzle, with a black triangle in it. To get through it, start at the bottom. Take a step down and go all the way left. Go three steps right then go all the way up, Go five steps down, all the way to the right. Go three steps up and go all the way to the left. Go all the way to the right. Go two steps left then all the way down. Go one step down and all the way to the left. Go all the way to the right. Go three steps left then face down. Save the game at this point. Examine the triangle and Deoxys will jump out.

Note: In the Pokemon Leaf Green, you will get the defense version of Deoxys.

Hint: Dragonite:
Use the following trick to develop a strong Dragonite. Get a Dratini and evolve it to Dragonair. It must be a Dratini to be at its strongest. ,Then teach it Flarethrower, for Ice and Steel; Ice Beam, for Dragons; Outrage, because it is strong; and Hyper Beam to make it look right.

Hint: Dugtrio:
Dugtrio usually appears in the giant footprints in Diglett's Cave.

Hint: Dunsparce:
Dunsparce is found on Three Island on the other side of the cave by the harbor. You must have first won the Pokemon League.

Hint: Evee: Breed when evolved:
If you already evolved Evee into something else (Vaporeon, Jolton, etc.), you can breed it with a Ditto to hatch an Evee. You must first defeat the Elite 4 and get the Ruby and Sapphire Plates to get to Island Four (where you can breed Pokemon).

Hint: Evee: Evolution:
Train an Evee until it likes you. Then trade it to Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire. It will evolve, depending on the time in the Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire game.

The following are all the ways to evolve Evee. Jolteon with Thunderstone. Vaporeon with Waterstone. Flareon with Firestone. For Espeon, be at level 32, have his spec def higher then his def, and evolve at night. For, Umbreon, be at level 32, have his spec atk is higher then his atk, and evolve before noon.

Hint: Gyrados:
Gyarados will learn Hyper Beam at level 55.

Hint: Gyrados: Recommended moves:
Give Gyrados ThunderBolt, FlameThrower, HyperBeam, and HydroPump.
Information in this section was contributed by Zachary Jenkins.

Hint: Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee:
To get both Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, go to Saffron City's Fighting Gym. Defeat the leader and take one of them. Then, after you defeat the Pokemon League find the Ruby and the Sapphire. Take it to the One Island Pokemon Center and give them to Celio. You can now go to Four Island. Once there, take the Pokemon you obtained to the Daycare Center. Note: This also requires a Ditto. Now walk around for awhile then go back to Four Island. The old man should be up farther than usual. Talk to him and he will give you an egg. After you receive the egg, walk around until it hatches. You will get Tyrouge. Raise it to level 21 and it will evolve. Repeat this until Tyrouge evolves into the desired Pokemon.

Hint: Koffing:
Koffing can be found on Cinnabar Island inside the Pokemon mansion. He is difficult to find, but is there.

Hint: Lapras:
After you get the tea from the woman on the first floor of the Game Freak building, go to the exit near the Pokemon Center. Then, go to Silph Co., which is located in Saffron City. Wander your way to Giovanni. Before you get to his room, you will battle your rival. After you defeat him, a man will appear. After you defeat Giovanni, go back and talk to him. He will ask to give you a Lapras.

Hint: Ledyba:
Ledyba can be found in Pattern Bush on Six Island.

Hint: Magby and Eleckid:
Catch an Electabuzz or a Magmar. Then, catch a Ditto and take them to 4 Island and put them in daycare. Walk a little to get an egg containing a Magby or Eleckid.

Hint: Magikarp: Tackle:
To teach your Magikarp the Tackle move, find and capture two Parasects. They are usually in Cerulean Cave. Parasects are usually holding Tinymushrooms. If you have the Tri-Pass or Rainbow Pass, go to 2 Island. In one of the houses there is a man who can teach your Pokemon any move that it can learn while growing up. Talk to the man, give him two Tinymushrooms or one Big Mushroom and he can teach your Magikarp Tackle.

Hint: Magikarp: Damage attack:
When you are in front of Mt. Moon's entrance, go to the first Pokemon Center you see. Once inside, talk to a man. He will sell you a Magikarp. Buy it and pass Mt. Moon. Go to the Daycare Center. Note: You must get past the robbed house. Let the man take care of it. Do not go to the Daycare Center for a long time and then return. Your Magikarp will gets the move Tackle (at level 26).

Hint: Mewtwo:
Mewtwo is in the Cerulean Cave . There are also level 39 to 68 Pokemon there, such as Wobbofet and Magneton.

Mewtwo can be caught with an Ultra Ball only when asleep.

If you have already used your Master Ball, it is possible to catch Mewtwo without putting him to sleep. If you battle with him for a long time he will run out of attacks and will then just use Struggle (a weak attack). You can then somewhat lower his health and he will be easy to catch.

Bring over 60 Ultra Balls with a team of at least this three Pokemon: Charizard (level 80), Moltres (level 70 or higher), and Vensuar (level 70 or higher). Save in front of Mewtwo before you battle it. Use Vensuar's Poison/Sleep Powder to weaken it, then use Charizard, Moltres, or another Pokemon to weaken it. Note: Mewtwo can only be caught when its HP is in the red and is asleep or poisoned. When you through the Pokeballs press A very fast until it is over Mewtwo. Each time the Pokeball moves one way, press A . Repeat this as many times as needed.

This strategy requires 30 Revives, several Ultra Balls, a Pokemon that can Paralyze or Hypnotize (Haunter recommended), and two backup Pokemon in the party (Dark/Steel/Psychic Pokemon recommended). The strategy is to run Mewtwo's PP out. The best way to do this is to attack Mewtwo with two backup Pokemon. When the battle begins, switch out one of your backup Pokemon and fight Mewtwo. Do not try to weaken him enough that Mewtwo is almost dead. Just weaken Mewtwo enough so he is missing a little health. When your backup Pokemon faints, switch to your other backup Pokemon. Revive the other backup Pokemon that fainted earlier. Keep repeating this until Mewtwo stops using Psychic and Safeguard. Once Mewtwo does this, switch to Haunter. This strategy will work because it is impossible to run out of Pokemon once you revive them. Mewtwo has four moves:Psychic, Recover, Swift, and Safeguard. By now Mewtwo should run on of PP for Psychic and Safeguard. This means Mewtwo's only attack move is Swift. That is good because Swift does not affect Haunter. Also, Haunter's Ghost attacks such as Shadow Ball will be very effective against Mewtwo. Weaken Mewtwo until he is almost dead then put him to sleep or paralyze him. Do not weaken him to 1 HP because he might kill himself.

Hint: Misdreaveus:
Found in the Lost Cave.

Hint: Moltres:
Moltres can only be found at the top of Mt. Ember at Island 1. You will need to defeat Blamie first.

Hint: Nidoking:
When you first start the game ,make sure you get a Nidoran male. When you do, raise it to level 17, which should be the time you get to Mount Moon. Use a Moon Stone and evolve it. You will now have a level 17 Nidoking that grows very fast.

Hint: Persian:
One a Persian reaches level 100 and it still has the Payday attack, you can get 1000 coins off the ground per Payday. Keep using Payday every time to get rich quickly.

Hint: Pichu: Volt Tackle:
You can only get Volt Tackle by catching a Pikachu with a Light Ball. Then, breed it with a Ditto. You will then get a Pichu with Volt Tackle.

Hint: Pikachu:
When you get a Charamander and need help defeating Misty, go to Viridian Forest and search for a Pikachu. He is difficult to find, but is there.

Go to the Viridian Forest. There are many grassy areas, but you should go to the grass patch located in the path just before you leave the forest. Keep moving around in it and you will encounter Pokemon. You will eventually run into Pikachu. You can also find Pikachu at the power plant, which is at the top right-hand corner when seen on the town map; it looks like a red dot.

Hint: Politoed:
You can get Politoed by getting by trading a Poliwhirl from Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed. Poliwhirl must hold the King's Rock in a trade. Once it gets to the other side it will evolve into Politoed.

Hint: Porygon2:
To get Porygon2 you must have the National Pokedex, a Porygon, and an upgrade item. Level it up once and it will evolve to Porygon2 (much more colorful).

Trade a Porygon holding an upgrade found in the Rocket Warehouse. It will evolve to a Porygon2 when it reaches the destination game.

Hint: Rattata:
Found on Route 1.

Hint: Remoraid:
Found in the water by Memorial Pillar on Five Island.

Hint: Rhyhorn:
Rhyhorn can learn Fire, Ice, and Electric moves.

Hint: Sneasal:
Found in Icefall Cave on Four Island.

Hint: Snorlax: Recommended moves:
Give Snorlax Curse, Return, Shadow Ball, and Rest.

Hint: Spinerak:
Found at pattern bush on Six Island.

Hint: Steel:
Go to Island 5. Go to where the youngster planted the Onix. Note: Bring lemonade from Celadon City. Go in front of the grave and press A. An item will appear. Pick up the item. It will be Steel Coat. Give it to your Scyther or Onix. Trade the Onix or Scyther with a friend and it will evolve. To get a Steel (Pokemon Leaf Green) or Scizzor (Pokemon Fire Red).

Hint: Togepi:
Togepi is not available in the wild. The only way to get it (and Togetic, eventually) is to go to the Water Labyrinth, taking the north route on Five Island, then going to the left. You will see a small island with two people. Talk to the man. He will check your Pokemon. If you have raised them correctly, and if you have a open space in your party, he will give you a Togepi Egg. Hatch it, then return to the man. He will tell you a phrase of Daisy Oak. To evolve it, make Togepi love you. It does not have a specific level.

Hint: Tyrogue: Evolutions:
When Tyrogue reaches level 20, it will evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop. To make it evolve into Hitmonchan, raise Tyrogue and make sure it has more defense points than attack points. To make it evolve into Hitmonlee, raise Tyrogue making sure it has more attack points than defense points. To make it evolve into Hitmontop, raise Tyrogue to level 20, but check that both attack and defense points are the same when it evolves. To get Tyrogue, breed whichever Pokemon you selected at the Fighting Dojo (Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan) with a Ditto. It will always be male.

Hint: Yanma:
Found in grassy areas where dotted hole is on Six Island.

Hint: Venusaur: Frenzy Plant:
If you started with Bulbasaur, make it a Venusaur. Go to Two Island and go to the house on the cove. Venusaur must be in the first slot. She will teach you Frenzy Plant.

Hint: Zapdos:
To catch a Zapdos, go to the Pokemon Center beside the Rock Cave. From the Pokemon Center, go up until you reach water. Surf to the Power Plant and go inside. Find your way around, and at the end you will find Zapdos, the Thunder type Legendary Bird.

Zapdos can be found at the Power Plant bellow the Rock Tunnel.

Hint: Legendary Dogs:
The legendary dog that you get in the game depends on your starter.

Charmander: Suicune (Water)
Squirtle: Raikou (Thunder)
Bulbasaur: Entei (Fire)

To get all three Legendary Dogs, get together with two friends before any of you start the game. Have one player get Charmander, another get Squirtle, and the other get Bulbasaur. Each of you will get one of the legendary dogs: Charmander, Suicune; Squirtle, Raikou; and Bulbasaur, Entei. Once each of you has their own dog, trade one dog for another. For example, player one's Suicune for player two's Entei; player three's Raikou for player one's Entei; and Player three's Raikou for player two's Suicune.

Use the following trick to easily catch Suicune, Raikou, or Entei without a Master Ball. Get a Pokemon the learns the move Mean Look or something similar, or get a Pokemon with the Arena Trap or Shadow Tag abilities to prevent them from escaping. If they do, you will get another chance to catch them, providing you do not make them faint.

Go to Route 11 next to Vermilion City. It is easier to find the Legendary Dogs here.

To get Entei, Raikou, and Suicune easily, go to a route then exit and enter it until you see one of them. Note: Do not forget to use Max Repel.

To catch the Legendary Dogs, you first need to encounter it. That part is purely luck. After you find it, get a Diglett or Dugtrio with the ability Arena Trap. Put it first in your party. Buy about five Super Repels and a lot of Ultraballs. Next, go to the route you want to catch it on. This works if s the Arena Trap Pokemon is a higher level than the wild Pokemon there, and is lower than 50. Also, if you use a repel stand in the grass. Save the game. Check your Pokedex to see if it is on your route. If so, move around until you run into it. If it does not appear, restart the game and check again. Every time you restart the game, the Legendary Dog will be at a different location. Saving on the route in the grass ensures that it does not have a chance to leave before you encoutner it, and the Arena Trap prevents it from escaping once you do. Note: If the Pokemon uses Roar, you will not be able to find it again. Save the game after every time you encounter it, and work its HP down slowly. Attack only a few times then switch out Pokemon so that it can run. Having it stay in the Pokeball is the difficult part.

Finding any of the legendary dogs is a random event. Every time you enter or exit a route they will move. Your best chance to find them is to get a friend who has the Legendary Dog in your game and have him or her trade it to you so that you can track it down. Note: Do not forget Max Repels.

Hint : Legendary Birds:
To catch the three Legendary Birds, battle with a strong Pokemon that knows a Suffering Technique (Poison, Paralyze or Burning) or Immobilizing Technique (Sleep or Freezing). When you have applied the Status Changes, change this Pokemon with another strong Pokemon that is resistant to any attack of the bird's attacks (Water, Fire, Rock, Ground). Make sure these Pokemon are between levels 47 and 55. Attack the bird with only one super effective attack, then with other attacks. Take care of the birds' HP, more if they are poisoned or burned. To keep the birds from fainting, save the game before you battle them. If they faint, reset the game. When they are on the red part of their HP, throw an Ultra Ball.

Use the following trick to get Lugia, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno. It requires a Gamecube, link cable, Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness, and be able to trade on both games. You also must have captured Lugia, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness. Connect the Game Boy Advance to the Gamecube. On the Gamecube, go to the main menu. Go to the trading part where you can exchange the Pokemon from Pokemon Leaf Green. Trade the four legendary birds for whichever Pokemon desired. Note: You cannot trade eggs or Shadow Pokemon. To purify Lugia, get all nine sets in the purify chamber to full tempo, then place Lugia in any of the nine sets. It should say something is different about Lugia. Take Lugia out of the set and it will be purified.

Hint: Johto Pokemon:
To get your first Pokemon from the Johto Region, defeat the Elite Four. Go to Island 3, then go in the tunnel. Talk to the man and he will give you a Nugget. Go out the door, and there will be a small patch of grass. Walk around in it, and you will find your first Johto Pokemon.

Hint: Duplicate Pokemon:
Use the following trick to easily reproduce rare Pokemon, such as Charizard, Lapras, etc. Capture a Ditto in Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green. These can be found in the cave at Cerulean. Transfer your Ditto to Pokemon Sapphire or Ruby, then take it to the Daycare couple in Mauville and leave it there. The quickest way to get an egg is to cycle back and forth a few times in front of the Daycare Center until the old man comes out of the gate. The egg he gives you will hatch into the first evolution of whatever Pokemon you put into the daycare. For example, a Charizard will give you a Charmander. Trade with friends to get the other starters, breed an egg, then trade back. The hatched Pokemon will have you as the original trainer. Some Pokemon will not breed in this way, even though they have a gender (such as Latios and Latias).

Hint: Strong Pokemon:
To get a Pokemon that us extraordinarily strong, you must catch it at a low level (for example, level 3). The lower the level, the more powerful they can get when they level up. You also need to catch the Pokerus (Pokemon Virus). To get the Pokerus, you must not ever run from a battle -- you need to have the same Pokemon do an extreme amount of battling. Once a Pokemon gets it, the virus will spread to all the Pokemon in your party. They will grow extra strong from the boosted stats earned when leveling up. For example, if a level 3 Magikarp is caught and catches the virus when training, its stats will increase by 4 or 5 instead of the usual 3. As a result, when it gets to be a Gyrados at level 100, it will have over 400 HP. Also use Medicine to boost stats. The virus can only be caught once per Pokemon and does not last forever. It goes away after you go to the Pokemon Center too many times.

Hint: Easy breeding:
When breeding, if the Pokemon you intend to breed is difficult to find catch a Ditto at about the same level as your other Pokemon. There is a better chance of getting eggs if the partners are almost the same level. For example, you can hatch eggs with Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Eevee, Wynaut, and Togepi.

The following baby Pokemon can be obtained through breeding. Note: If you have a Pokemon with a Ditto and the person outside says "They don't seem to like each other much", they will still create an egg. However it will take longer.

Dakota Windom

Cleefa: Clefairy and Ditto

Igglybuff: Jigglypuff and Ditto

Azurill: Maril with Sea Incense (from Lost Cave) and Marill or Azumarill

Magby: Magmar and Ditto

Smoochum: Jynx and Ditto

Tyrogue: Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee and Ditto

Hint: Breeding legendary Pokemon:
To get more than one legendary Pokemon (if it is a female) go to the Day Care woman and put the legendary Pokemon with any male Pokemon. Walk around for awhile then go back to the Day Care man. If he has stepped forward, he has an egg for you. Take it and walk around for awhile. It will hatch into the legendary Pokemon that the female was.

Hint: Keep track of breeding steps:
When you are breeding a Pokemon, you can always go to the Safari Zone to keep track of your steps. When you are in the Safari Zone, press Start to see how many steps you have taken in order to calculate how many steps you need to breed a Pokemon or egg. This is very useful when you are trying to keep track of your breeding.

Hint: Easy egg hatching:
Go to Island 4 and put a Ditto in the Day Care with the Pokemon that you want to breed. Note: This will not work on Legendarys. You can also put Lax Incense on one of them to sometimes make a baby (like Pikachu makes a Pichu). Once you get your egg, fly to Cerulean City and get on your bike. Go to the bike trail that goes to Fushia City. Go on the left side and stick to the right side of the gray path. Going straight down the long gray path is exactly 136 steps -- it will not take long for the egg to hatch.

When trying to hatch eggs faster, place a Pokemon in your party whose ability is either Flame Body or Magma Armor (for example, Slugma or Macargo). The ambient heat will incubate the egg and cause it to hatch twice as fast.

Go to the Safari Zone and run around. The number of steps per time is 600.

Go to the underground path from Route 6 (Vermilion City) to Cerulean City. Keep running with the Running Shoes on and go in and out until the egg hatches.

Go to Vermilion City. Go to the bridge to Lavender Town. Go to Saffron heading to Celadon. Then, go to the Cycling Road and then to Fuschia City. Then go back to the bridge to Lavender Town. Do this three times. After that go to Vermilion City where the old man with Machop is located. Go around them five times or more until the egg hatches.

Hint: Berries:
Look for a small black area in the grass. Press A, and you will find a berry. Note : This will not work on Big Pearls, Rare Candies, or Pearl.

Hint: Card Key:
Use the following steps to find the Card Key (a card-type key that unlocks doors in Silph Co.'s head office in Saffron City). The Card Key is on the fifth floor. Use the elevator to get there quickly. Find a Team Rocket Member to the left. Move south, enter the teleporter, then go back where you saw that Team Rocket Member or the grunt. Then start moving to the right. You should see a Pokeball that is the Card Key.

Hint: Coins:
After you get an Itemfinder fly to Celadon City. Go inside the Rocket Game Corner and use the Itemfinder to find buried coins (10 to 100). Be careful not to kick them around.

Hint: Diploma:
Complete the National Dex by catching all 386 Pokemon.

Hint: Exp. Share:
Go to Fuchsia City. Walk to the building on the other side of the building that you go through for Cycling Road. Go upstairs and talk to the aide. If you have collected at least fifty Pokemon, he will give you the Exp. Share. The Pokemon holding this item will gain the exact same number of experience points. For example, if Magikarp is holding it it and your Charizard just went up to level 59 and the experience was 496, then Magikarp will gain exactly 496 points.

Hint: Good Rod:
Go to Fuchsia City and go towards the gym. Jump over the hedge. There will be two houses. Inside the one on the right, a man will give you the Good Rod.

Hint: HM SURF:
Go to the Safari Zone then go all the way up and to your left. Enter the house and talk to woman. You will win the Grand Prize, SURF.

Hint: Hydro Cannon:
Go to Two Island. Look on your map. Where it reads "Two Island", it will also read "Cape Brink". If you go to Cape Brink, you will find a house on the very top of it. Go in. There will be a woman in the house. Talk to her and she will give you Hydro Cannon. Note: This will only work if you have a strong Water Pokemon that is the first Pokemon in your party.

Hint: Itemfinder:
The Itemfinder is found upstairs in the building on Route 11.

You must have over 30 Pokemon before you can get the Itemfinder.

Hint: Leftovers:
Use the Itemfinder where the two Snorlaxes appeared.

Hint: Luxury Ball:
To obtain a Luxury Ball, you must have rescued Lady Selphy from the Lost Cave on Five Island. After she returns to her house, she will ramble on about how bored she is, then ask to see a Pokemon. When she does this, fly back to the Five Island Pokemon Center and take out the Pokemon that she requested to see. Go back to her house. Place the Pokemon she wants to see first in your party and talk to her. She will call her butler over to you and reward you with a Luxury Ball. These balls are rare and cause the Pokemon captured by them to become more friendly, as if they were holding a Soothe Bell. You can do this as many times as desired. Selphy will sometimes give you another item besides a Luxury Ball, such as a Pearl. Note: If you save and turn off your Game Boy Advance, Lady Selphy will ask to see another Pokemon other than the one she asked for before.

Hint: Macho Brace:
Use the Itemfinder where Giovanni was found in the Viridian Gym.

Hint: Master Ball:
The Master Ball can only be located by saving the president that is in Saffron City, by defeating the leader of Team Rocket. After defeating him, talk to the president. He will give you the Master Ball. It will catch any Pokemon without fail.

Hint: Nest Ball:
Go to the pattern bush on Six Island and catch a Hericross. Go to the house that says "Strongest Horn" and talk to the lady inside. She will give you a nest ball.

Hint: Nuggets:
Go to the last person (Team Rocket member) on Nugget Bridge. Lose to that person after you get the Nugget. Repeat this until you have the desired number of Nuggets. Note: If you save the your game after defeating him, you will no longer be able to do this.

To get unlimited Nuggets, when you are going on the bridge in Cerulean, intentionally lose. An easy way to do this is to catch a Spearow, level 8 to10. This is recommended, as there is a girl in Vermilion City that wants a Spearow for her Farfetch. Go to the bridge after defeating all five trainers. Lose to the Rocket with a Nugget. Deposit all your Pokemon except for Spearow. Continuously lose to the Rocket until you have as many Nuggets as desired.

Go into Copycat's house and go upstairs. Select the desk next to the computer to get a free Nugget.

Hint: Old Rod:
This can be obtained in Vermilion. Upon entering, go left to the house at the end. The man in there will give you an Old Rod (can only catch Magicarp).

Hint: PP Max:
Go to Two Island. Make sure to have a Pokemon that knows Surf. Go north towards Cape Brink and Surf in the pond below the waterfall. Go to the lone space on the right and use your Item Finder. PP Max is your reward. It allows a Pokemon's move to be completely maxed out of how many times that Pokemon may use it. Note: Choose wisely.

Hint: Rainbow Pass:
After you get a National Dex, go to 1 Island and talk to the man in the Pokemon Center working on the link. He will ask for a gem. To get it, go to the to Rockets at Mt. Ember. After they are done talking, battle both of them. Then, go inside and find the gem (which is a ruby). Return to the Pokemon Center and talk to the man again. He take it, and after he is done talking he will give you a Rainbow Pass. This will unlock 4-7 Island.

Use the following steps to get the Rainbow Pass and Ruby Plate. To get the Rainbow Pass to access Islands 1 to 7, you must first have the Tri-Pass. To get the Tri-Pass you must battle the seventh gym leader and win. Then, Bill will appear and ask you to come with him. Answer "Yes". When you get to the islands, Celio will ask you to do a him a favor. While Bill fixes the network computer, deliver the rock thing to the game place in Island 2. You have to travel to Island 3 to save Lostelle from some Hypno. Save her, then go back to Island 2 and give the rock. When you go back to Island 1 you will find out that the network computer is fixed. After you defeat the Elite Four and want to face the Elite Four, you will learn that Lorelli is missing. She is located at Island 4. You must do some things before you go to Island 4. You must get the National Dex by catching 60 Pokemon. Talk to Celio, who will ask you to get some gem stones. Go to Island 4. Travel around until you get to the HM waterfall. Go out and enter again. Surf up the waterfall and you will see Team Rocket. Defeat them. Go to Island 1 to face Team Rocket on Mt. Ember and defeat them to get the Ruby Plate.

Hint: Repel and Super Repel:
Repel and Super Repel will keep all wild Pokemon of a lower level than the first Pokemon in your party from attacking. However, if the wild Pokemon is of the same level or higher, it will attack. Due to the decreased amount of Pokemon to fight, you will have less random encounters. To exploit the use of this, go to a cave with high level Pokemon such as at Victory Road or Union Cave. Use the Repel once inside. Find a boxed-in type of corner and tap the D-pad gently towards a wall. If done correctly, you will not hear a bumping sound. Doing this should not reduce the number of steps remaining on you Repel counter, because the Repel only counts movement that causes the character to take a step not turning. Just turn into a wall to make it easier for beginners. This trick is useful because you are always facing a Pokemon that is of equal or greater level, allowing you to get levels much faster than usual.

Hint: Ruby:
Go to Mt. Ember. You must fight two Team Rocket goons. Afterwards, go into the cave and navigate your way through it. In the end you will find the ruby and get out of the cave.

Visit One Island as soon as you get the Tri-Pass. Go up to Mt Ember until you enter the mountain and the screen looks like you would when entering a house. Take the first right you reach and follow it until you see two Team Rocket members. Talk to them before you complete the game or you will not be able to enter the cave to start getting the stones afterwards.

Hint: Running Shoes:
Follow through Viridian Forest, go to Brock (the first gym leader), and defeat him. Brock has three Pokemon: Geodude level12, Onix level 14, and Geodude level 11. Then, go to the path that leads to Mount Moon's base. Try to go past the man standing slightly past the entrance. He should stop you. He is Professor Oak's assistant. After talking to him, he will give you the Running Shoes.

Your aide will give you the Running Shoes after the first gym.

Hint: Sacred Ash:
Go to the Naval Rock Island (if you have the Mystic Ticket), and to the location where Ho-oh confronted you. Use the Itemfinder and it will automatically dig up the Sacred Ash, just like the Macho Brace at Viridian Gym after Giovanni left; and the Top from Pokemon Tower after Mr. Fugi left.

Hint: Sapphire:
Go to the dotted hole and use Cut. You must go to your Pokemon menu and go to the Pokemon that has this ability. Next, fall into the first hole. You are now on Basement Floor 1 (B1). Go through the north hole and you will land on B2. Go through the west hole once you are on B2. Once you arrive on B3, go through the west hole and you will drop down to B4. Finally, go though the south hole on B4. You will then arrive in a room. When you go to the jewel, a man will come down and take it. However, he will give you the second password to the Team Rocket hideout. When you go there, you must fight the man in the end. After you defeat him, he will give you the jewel. You must then take the Sapphire to Celio, and then the link between Hoen and Kanto will be open

Visit One Island as soon as you get the Tri-Pass. Go up to Mt Ember until you enter the mountain and the screen looks like you would when entering a house. Take the first right you reach and follow it until you see two Team Rocket members. Talk to them before you complete the game or you will not be able to enter the cave to start getting the stones afterwards.

Hint: Sea Incense:
Enter the Lost Cave on Island 5. Climb down the stairs then go to the entrances in the following order: east , north , south , north. You will find Sea Incense there.
Information in this section was contributed by Ahmed M. Tarif.

Hint: Secret Key:
Go to the Pokemon mansion. Go to the third floor. Go to the place with the holes in the ground. Go down the closest one to you and navigate your way through.

Hint: Shell Bell:
Teach a Mistermime Trick (at level 38) and go to the Battle Tower. Play Knockout and use Trick on a Vaporeon.

Hint: Silph Scope:
Go to the underground path in Lavender Town and it will lead you to Celadon City. Then, go to the Rocket Game Corner. There will be a grunt looking at a poster. Defeat him, then select the poster.

The Silph Scope is found in Team Rocket's hideout after defeating their boss.

Hint: Soothe Bell:
Use the Itemfinder where Mr. Fugi was located in the Pokemon Tower. Note that the Marowak in the Pokemon Tower cannot be caught. Do not waste your Pokeballs because it will just dodge them. To do this you will need two things, the Itemfinder and the Silph Scope. You must have twenty different Pokemon. Talk to Professor Oak's aide.

Hint: Super Rod:
Go to Lavender Town. Go south until you find a house. A man in that house will give you a Super Rod.

Hint: Save TM:
When you have lost any important TM (Shadow Ball, Thunder, Fire Blast, Psychic, etc.), catch or transfer a Ditto. Grab the Pokemon that has the TM then breed it. You will now have the first Pokemon with a TM. This trick is useful when you have lost Eartquake, also is useful when you have any Pokemon to Battle Frontier higher than level 50. Only breed it then you will have the Pokemon with some attack learned by the Pokemon. When you need other Pokemon, try to breed other Pokemon than Ditto. Find a combination until you find a Pokemon. Note: This trick cannot be used with legendary Pokemon.

Hint: Strong TMs:
If you lose Roar, HyperBeam, Dig, SecretPower and Attract, go to the Celeldon Department Store. You can purchase those TMs on the second floor.

Hint: Defeating Blamie:
In order to battle Blamie the Fire Pokemon trainer (seventh gym leader at Cinnabar Island), you will need the secret key that is found inside the Pokemon Mansion that will open the door. You should have any Pokemon that are strong enough to withstand Fire attacks such as Flamethrower, Overheat, Firespin, Fire Blast, Flame Wheel, and Ember. Get Water pokemon and teach them Surf any and attaks that will cause poison, confusion, and other statuses to win the battle.

Hint: Defeating Brock:
First, get a Caterpie. Then, use it a lot to make sure it evolves into a Metapod. When you evolve Caterpie, Metapod is harder to train up, but it is worth it. Make sure you evolve it into Butterfree and use it against Brock. Buterfree can make defeating the hardest Pokemon Brock has, Onix easy. Use Confusion all of the time.

First, get a Charmander. Then, level it up until it becomes a Charmeleon. By that time it should know the move "Metal Claw." this move is very effective against Stone types. You also need to evolve the Charmander into a Charmeleon because Onix's attack, Rock Tomb is very effective against Fire types.

Both Steel and Fighting-type moves are very effective against Rock-type Pokemon. Train your Charmander up to level 13 so that it knows Metal Claw and/or train a Mankey to help you fight. Mankey's Low Kick is very effective on Onix.

Hint: Defeating Giovanni:
An easy way to defeat Giovanni in all battles is to use a Water Pokemon with Surf on all his Pokemon.

Hint: Tougher Elite Four:
After you complete the Team Rocket warehouse on Five Island, return to Lorlie's house on Four Island. When you walk in she will not be there. Go to Vermillion. Go to Indigo Plateau and fight the Elite Four again. The Pokemon will be over level 63.

Hint: Defeating the Elite Four:
Catch Zapdos or level up a Raichu or another Electric Pokemon to leve; 53 or higher. Get an Articuno or a high level Ice Pokemon. Teach it Fly. Make sure every Pokemon you have is at least level 49.after you finish Victory Road. Buy Max Potions, Full Restores, etc., then go through the door. When facing Lorelei, use your Electric type and use your strongest Electric type attacks (Thunder recommended). When facing Bruno, use your Flying type attacks on the Fighting type and Ice, Water, and Grass type on the Rock type. Try to do it in two or less turns on each of his Pokemon. They will probably use a strong attack on you. Also, try to use a weak attack first and a final blow last because they use Full Restores if you get them down to red and try to kill them. When facing Agatha, her first Gengar will try to poison you with Toxic. Try to kill her as fast as possible. For the others, try to use Hypnosis. Use Dark moves on her Psychic and Ghost types. This battle will be difficult. When facing Lance, use your good Electric types on his Gyarados and Dragonairs and the other Dragon/Water type. For Dragonite, use your Ice to hammer it down. His Pokemon mostly use Dragon Rage, Outrage and Hyper Beam. When they use Hyper Beam, they will rest for a turn. For your rival battle, keep healing and rotate Pokemon until you defeat him. Having a Grass, Water, Fire, and Electric type are recommended.

Hint: Gym leader weaknesses:

Brock: Type Rock; weaknesses Grass or water.
Misty: Type Water; weaknesses Grass or Electric.
Lt. Surge: Type Electric; weaknesses Rock, Ground, or Grass
Erika: Type Grass; weakness any Fire Pokemon with a Fire attack
Koga: Type Poison; weakness Fire Pokemon.
Sabrina: Type Psychic; Weakness Ghost with Curse.
Blaine: Type Fire; Weakness Water with Surf and/or Hydro Pump like Gyarados.
Giovanni: Type Earth/Rock/Ground; weakness Water or Grass like Surf or Razor Leaf.

Hint: Get to One Island:
To Get to One Island, defeat the Cinnabar Island Gym Leader, Blaine. When you come out, Bill will take you to One Island and give you the Tri-Pass. This will allow you to return at any time by taking the Pass to the boat dock in Vermilion City.

Hint: Getting to Saffron City:
Go to the Celedon Department Store. Buy all three drinks on the sixth floor. The guard will not let you win. In order to get in go to the Mansion that is next a man talking about hot tea, go to the Right side of the Mansion. Enter, then talk to the old lady. She will give you the Tea, and you can now enter Saffron City.

This trick requires two Game Boy Advances, a link cable, a Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire game with a "Fresh Water" in the pack, and a Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green game that is completed and able to trade with Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire. Also, you will need another Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green cartridge. Give a Pokemon a Fresh Water. Trade the Pokemon from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire to the completed Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green game. Take the Fresh Water and attach it to a Pokemon not from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire. Trade it to the other Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green game. Give the Fresh Water to the guard. You can now access Saffron City easier. You can also do the same thing without the Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire cartrigde. Also, it works better when you have the completed cartridge and your friend has the unfinished game.

Hint: Safari Zone:
When you get in the Safari Zone you will need to pay 500 to enter and will receive 30 Safari Balls. You cannot use any Pokemon. All you can use is Ball, Bait, Rock, or Run. Ball is to catch the Pokemon, Bait is to give the Pokemon food, and Rock is to throw a rock make a Pokemon angry. However, they will not use an attack on you.

Hint: Unlimited Safari Zone time:
Enter the Safari Zone, then walk into an area and stop in the grass Then, tap the D-pad, but do not move You will find the Pokemon in that area without wasting steps.

Find one location in the Safari Zone that suits you. Then, just rotate in place. Random Pokemon should you attack you every few rotations.

Go to the Safari Zone with a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. Go to the area where you want to catch Pokemon. Then, use Sweet Scent until you find what you want. Because you do not have to move to use Sweet Scent, you can do this as much as desired. To use Sweet Scent outside of battle, go to a place where you can normally catch Pokemon. Then, press Start. Go to the where it reads "Pokemon" on the menu. Then, choose the Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. It should have "Sweet Scent" as an option. Choose "Sweet Scent" and you are done. Repeat the process if you want to do it more than once.

Hint: Unlimited safari zone attempts:
Save the game when outside the Safari Zone. If you do not get any desired Pokemon, just restart the game instead of spending 500 each time.

Hint: Safari Zone: Pokemon and items:
The Safari Zone is located to the north of Fuchsia City. The following are items you can find:

Leaf Stone
TM 11 (Sunny Day)
Max Potion
Full Restorex2
Quick Claw
Max Potion
TM 47 (Steel Wing)
Gold Teeth (must collect)
TM 32 (Double Team)
HM 03 (Surf, must collect)

The following are rare wild Pokemon you can encounter:

Nidorino, Nidorina

The following are the rare wild Pokemon you can catch using a Super Rod:


Hint: Team Rocket Hideout passwords:
The passwords to the Team Rocket hideout on the 5th Island are as follows:

Password 1 : "GOLDEEN need log."
Password 2: "Yes, nah, CHANSEY."

Passwords can be found after defeating the Elite Four and getting 60 Pokemon Data. Password 1 is on Island 1 near Mt. Ember, where the two Team Rocket members are found. Password 2 is where you find the Sapphire stone. Note: You cannot enter the passwords themselves at the door to the Team Rocket Hideout. You must to hear them to get in the Team Rocket Hideout Warehouse.

Hint: Missing Pokemon:
The following Pokemon are not found in the game and must be traded from a different version.


Hint: Recommended team:
The following is a strong team with little weaknesses and is a good, uncommon mix that can be started early on.

Raichu (level 50 to 55): Shockwave, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Mega Kick
Kabutops (level 50 to 55): Surf, Blizzard, Slash, Hyperbeam
Venusaur (level 50 to 55): Frenzy Plant, Solarbeam, Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed
Flareon (level 50 to 55): Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fireblast, Bite
Dugtrio (level 50 to 55): Fissure, Earthquake, Dig, Slash
Pidgeot (level 50 to 55): Aerial Ace, Fly, your choice, your choice

Try the following team:

Dragonite (level 50 to 55): Surf, Hyper Beam, Outrage, Flamethrower
Pidgeot (level 50 to 55): Fly, Aerial Ace, Mirror Move, Wing Attack
Flareon (level 50 to 55): Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Bite
Raichu (level 50 to 55): Flash, Thunder, Shock Wave, Mega Kick
Alakazam (level 50 to 55): Strength, Psychic, Teleport, Psybeam
Venusaur (level 50 to 55): Cut, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf, Mega Drain

Try the following team:

Kabutops (level 50 to 55): Surf, Hyper Beam, Slash, Blizzard
Pidgeot (level 50 to 55): Fly, Aerial Ace, Mirror Move, Wing Attack
Flareon (level 50 to 55): Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Bite
Raichu (level 50 to 55): Flash, Thunder, Shock Wave, Mega Kick
Alakazam (level 50 to 55): Strength, Psychic, Teleport, Psybeam
Venusaur (level 50 to 55): Cut, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf, Mega Drain

A recommended team is Charizard, Venasaur, Blastoise, Mewto, Raichu/Zapdos and Golem or Charizard, Venasaur, Blastoise, Machamp, Golem and Machamp.

Try the following team:

Marowak : Bonerang, Aerial Ace, Fire Blast, False Swipe
Blastoise: Surf, Bite, Earthquake, Hydro Cannon
Persian: Thunder, Bite, Cut, Attract
Raichu: Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Strength, Brick Brake
Pidgeot: Fly, Double-Edge, Thief, Quick Attack
Flareon: Bite, Attract, Body Slam, Flame Thrower

Try the following team:

Blastoise level 90 to 100: Surf, Ice Beam, Bite, Hydro Cannon
Mewtwo level 90 to 100: Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Future Sight
Kyogre level 75 to 80: Ice Beam, Surf, Thunder, Water Spout
Rayquaza level 70 to 75: Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Fly, Dragon Claw
Luvdisc level 70 to 75: Ice Beam, Surf, Take Down, Secret Power
Articuno level 60 to 70: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Fly, Mind Reader
Note: This team should only be used by trainers with a lot of money. You also might need to be someone who prefers ice attacks.

Try the following team:

Venusaur (level 62 holding Miracle Seed): Solarbeam, Sleep Powder, Frenzy Plant, Razor Leaf
Dragonite (level 62 holding Leftovers): Thunderbolt, Outrage, Dragonclaw, Hyper Beam
Alakazam (level 56): Recover, Psychic, Future Sight, Psybeam
Articuno (level 55 holding Quick Claw): Mist, Fly, Blizzard, Ice Beam
Lapras (level 53 holding Leftovers): Surf, Body Slam, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam
Marowak (level 51): Bonemerang, Strength, False Swipe, Double Edge; or
Poliwrath (level 42): Hypnosis, Psychic, Submission, Ice Beam; or
Jolteon (level 46): Double Kick, Pin Missile, Shock Wave, Quick Attack

Try the following team:

Heracross: Megahorn, Focus Punch, Rock Slide, Fissure
Tyranitar: Thunder, Ariel Ace, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
Blastoise: Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf, Blizzard
Alakazam: Psychic, Psy Beam, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Arcanine: Blast Burn, Extreme Speed, Fire Blast, Overheat
Scizor: Metal Claw, Slash, Earthquake, Endeavor

Try the following team. Note: You must defeat the Elite Four to achieve this lineup, but once attained it is almost unstoppable. Aerodactyl cannot take recoil damage from Double-Edge due to Rock Head ability. Pinsir has amazingly high attack for a bug. Tyranitar is a pure juggernaut, and is rarely defeated.

Tyranitar (level 55-60): Crunch, Rock Slide, Thrash, Hyper Beam
Pinsir (level 55-60): Strength, Swords Dance, Cut, Brick Break
Aerodactyl (level 60+): Double-Edge, Fly, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw
Gyarados (level 60+): Hyper Beam, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Surf
Kabutops (level 50-55+): Slash, Surf, Ice Beam, Waterfall
Lairon (level 55-60): Your choice of moves

Try the following team:

Mewtwo (level 80): Metronome, Revover, Hyper Beam, Psychic
Snorlax (level 60): Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Rest, Sleep Talk
Charizard (level 65): Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Fly
Raichu (level 75): Thundershock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave
Dragonite (level 65): Outrage, Flamethrower, Surf, Hyper Beam
Gyarados (level 60): Hyper Beam, Surf, Waterfall, Hydro Pump

Try the following team:


Have the following Pokemon team (all male for ultimate attack, or female for defense). They are almost all Dragons with a weakness for Ice-types, but they are very strong with attack and defense. All of them have an attack that they must to rest from. This is done because most attacks do not do as much as them in three turns. This only takes two turns and does a lot of damage. However, only use them for finishing moves. Gyarados is the only non-Dragon type there. Try substituting Kingdra and Gyarados with Latios and Latias (from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire) for similar or better results. For the absolute best team, you must give the Ruby and Sapphire to Celio. It will take some time, but is worth it.

Dragonite: Shock Wave/Thunder, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam, Fly
Charizard: Cut, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Fire Blast
Salamence (from E/R/S): Fire Blast, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam, Strength
Rayquaza (from E/R/S): Thunder, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave/Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam
Kingdra: Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam
Gyarados: Hydro Pump, Surf, Blizzard, Hyper Beam

Try the following team:

Rayquaza (level 100)
Swampert (level 100)
Blastoise (level 100)
Mewtwo (level 80)
Kyogre (level 80)
and another Pokemon of your choice.

Try the following team:

Charizard: Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Overheat
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant, Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Giga Drain
Golem: Earthquake, Magnitude, Rollout, Rock Throw
Zapdos: Thunder, Shock Wave, Fly, Drill Peck
Muk: Sludge Bomb, Sludge, Toxic, any move of your choice
Blastoise: Bite, Hydro Cannon, Surf, Blizzard

Try the following team:

Blastoise: Hydro Pump, Dig, Surf, Icebeam
Note: Dig stops Electric types and Icebeam for Grass. If it is Electric and Flying (zapdos) kill it with Ice Beam.
Charizard: Flamethower, Dig, Fly, Blast Burn
Venasaur: Razor Leaf, Solarbeam, Vinewhip, Dig or Sunnyday

Try the following team:

Charizard (level 65 to 70): Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Fly, Dragon Claw
Raichu (level 62 or above): Thunder, Thunderbolt, Shockwave, Slam
Articuno (level 65 or above): Ice beam, Blizard, Fly, Aerial Ace
Gyrados (level 65 or above): Hyper beam, Hydro Pump, Surf, your choice:
Alakazam (level 63 or above): Psychic, Psybeam, Recover, Hypnosis
Tyranitar (level 65 or above): Earthquake, Strength, Crunch, Thunder

The following team is very effective:

Mewtwo (level 74): Swift, Recover (or Thunder), Mimic, Psychic
Venusaur (level 71): Cut, Giga Drain, Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant
Articuno (level 72): Fly, Blizzard, Mind Reader, Ice Beam
Zapdos (level 75): Charge, Thunder, Detect, Drill Peck
Moltrese (level 73): Heat Wave, Rock Smash, Overheat, Flamethrower
Snorlax (level 74): Fire Blast, Psychic, Strength, Surf

The following team is recommended when facing the Elite Four: Charizard, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Snorlax and Dragonaire.

Try the following team:

Zapdos (level 85+): Shock Wave, Thunder, Flash, Fly.
Mewtwo (level 75+): Psychic, Psych Up, Swift, Recover.
Venusaur (level 70+): Solarbeam, Leaf Blade, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed.
Moltres (level 66+): Flamethrower, Fly, Agility, Sunny Day
Articuno (level 66+): Ice Beam, Blizzard, Fly, Mean Look.
Kingler (level 20+): Cut, Strenght, Rock Smash, Surf.

Note: The last Pokemon will not be used against the Elite Four or Champion. Zapdos can easily take Dewgong, Cloyster, Lapras, Gengars, Crobat, Misdreavus, Gyarados, Kingdra, Aerodactyl, Heracross, Alakazam, Charizard, Venusaur and Blaistose. Mewtwo can easily take Piloswane, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Arbok, Dragonite (any), Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise. Venusaur can easily take Tyranitar and Blastoise. Moltres can easily take Jynx, Steelix, and Exeggcutor.Articuno can easily take Dragonite (any) and Exeggcutor; and can help to take Tyranitar.

Try the following team:

Veanosaur (level 100): SoalarBeam, HyperBeam, LeafBlade, Sunnyday
Moltres (level 90): HeatWave, Fly, WingAttack, HyperBeam
Garodoes (level 100): FlameThrower, ThunderBolt, HyperBeam, HydroPump
Tyranitar (level 90): RockSlide, Crunch, Dig, HyperBeam
Magnoton (level 100): Thunder, ThunderBolt, HyperBeam, ShockWave

Try the following team:

Tentacruel: Surf, BubbleBeam, WaterFall, HyperBeam
Vapreon: Surf, IceBeam, AuraBeam, WaterFall
Lapras: Surf, IceBeam, Psychic, Thunder
Tentacool: Surf, BubbleBeam, WaterFall, HyperBeam
Slowpoke: Surf, Psychic, Confuision, Dign
Poliwrath: Surf, Hypnosis, Dig, WaterFall

Try the following team:

Rayquaza: Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Outrage
Salamence: Fire Balst, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Body Slam
Tyranitar: Earthquake, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Outrage
Charizard: Blast Burn, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Outrage
Flygon: Body Slam, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Flamethrower
Dragonite: Blizzard, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Outrage

Try the following team:

Moltres (level 62)
Zapdos (level 63)
Kadabra (level 65)
Blastoise (level 62)
Articuno (level 64)
Mewtwo (level 75)

Try the following team when facing the Elite Four:

Raichu (level 91): Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Strength, Brick Break
Marowak (level 82): Bonemarang, Strength, Rock Smash, Ice Beam
Sableye (level 84, trade from Pokemon Sapphire): Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Cut, Brick Break
Flareon (level 84): Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Iron Tail
Gardevoir (level 91, trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire): Psychic, Shadow Ball, Flash, Thunderbolt
Kyogre (level 88, trade from Pokemon Sapphire): Waterfall (or Hyper Beam), Surf, Ice Beam, Water Spout

A good team before you get the National Dex is:

Charizard (level 60 to 70): Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Blast Burn, Dragon Claw
Garados (level 60 to 70): Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Flamethrower
Rhydon (level 60 to 70): Earthquake, Megahorn, Horn drill, Take Down
Magneton (level 60 to 70): Thunder, Thunderbolt, Tri To Atack, Shock Wave
Ferrow (level 60 to 70): Fly, Drill Peck, Steel Wing, Mirror Move
Persian (level 60 to70): Pay day, Thunderbolt, Slash, Shadow Ball

Try the following team:

Lugia (substitute for Alakazam and make sure Dragonite knows a level 60 flying attack or higher if you do not have Lugia)
Typhlosion (trade from Pokemon Coliseum or substitute for Ninetails)
Kabutops (if you chose Helix Fossil, then substitute Rhydon instead)

Try the following team:

Alakazam (level 100): Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Psychic, Protect
Typhlosion (level 100): Fire Blast, Flame Wheel, Aerial Ace, Flamethrower
Charizard (level 100): Aerial Ace, Slash, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower
Metagross (level 100): Psychic, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
Raikou (level 100): Thunderbolt, Crunch, Thunder, Calm Mind
Machamp (level 100): Focus Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch

Try the following team:

Blastoise (about level 70): Hydro Cannon, Waterfall, Surf and Double Edge
Blissey (about level 60): Egg Bomb, Double Edge, Rock Smash(or Soft Boiled), and Strengh
Raikou (about level 55): Thunder, ThunderBolt, Spark and Roar
Moltres (about level 55): Fire Blast, Fly, Overheat and Flamethrower
Mewtwo (about level 75): Swift, Recover, Shadow Ball and Psychic
Primeape (about level 60): Rage, Cross Chop, Swagger and Brick Break

When in a double battle, send out Shedinja and Ditto. Have Shedinja use Protect and have Ditto use Transform on Shedinja. Then you will have a Shedinja with more HP and the Wonder Guard ability.

Try the following team:


Try the following team:

Houndoom (level 100)
Jirachi (level 100)
Swampert (level 100)
Blaziken (level 100)
Charizard (level 100)
Rayquaza (level 100)

Try the following team before National Dex:

Blastoise (level 70 to 75): Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf, Return
Pidgeot (level 60 to 70): Fly, Hyper Beam, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace
Nidoking (level 65 to 70): Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Horn Drill
Exeggutor (level 60 to 65): Psychic, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Giga Drain
Flareon (level 70 to 75): Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat
Snorlax (level 60 to 70): Rest, Snore, Rollout, Hyper Beam

Try the following team:

Charizard (level 90 to 100): Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Dragon Claw
Scizor (level 90 to 100): Slash, Aerial Ace, Hyper Beam, Metal Claw
Feraligator (level 90 to 100): Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Return, Focus Punch
Magneton (level 90 to 100): Zap Cannon, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Tri Attack
Skarmory (level 90 to 100): Fly, Steel Wing, Attract, Protect
Sceptile (level 90 to 100): Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Solarbeam, Sunny Day

Try out this team. It covers all the weak points of basically any Pokemon you may meet. Depending on which Pokemon you favor, the levels can vary. Most of the attacks have a really good hit rate so you can be assured that you will win almost any battle.

Dragonite (Level 98): Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Wing Attack
Tyranitar (Level 95): Rock Slide, Crunch, Earthquake, Brick Break
Snorlax (Level 92): Surf, Psychic, Rest, Snore
Scizor (Level 88): Fury Cutter (in case of a Sableye or Spiritomb in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl), Protect, Metal Claw, Swords Dance (optional)
Charizard (Level 91): Heat Wave, Blast Burn (optional), Return (only if loyal), Dragon Claw
Sableye (Level 82, must trade from Pokemon Ruby): Fake Out, Confuse Ray, Knock Off, Shadow Ball (optional)

Try the following team.

Swampert, Feraligatr, or Blastoise (level 65)
Natures: Quiet, Brave, Sassy or Relaxed
Abilities: Torrent
Swampert: Earthquake, Surf, Hydro Cannon, Brick Break
Feraligatr: Slash, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Surf
Blastoise: Withdraw, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Skull Bash
Hold: Anything desired
Blaziken, Typhlosion, or Charizard (level 65)
Natures: Lonely, Hasty, Mild or Gentle
Abilities: Blaze
Blaziken: Bulk Up, Double Team, Brick Break or Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower or Blaze Kick
Typhlosion: Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Swift, Smokescreen
Charizard: Wing Attack or Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
Hold: Anything desired
Sceptile, Meganium, Venusaur (level 65)
Nature (Meganium and Venusaur): Sassy, Quiet
Nature (Sceptile): Mild, Hasty
Ability: Overgrow
Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Toxic
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant, Leech Seed, Giga Drain or Razor Leaf, Toxic
Meganium: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Leech Seed or Toxic
Hold: Anything desired
Gardevoir (recommended), Alakazam (level 66)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
Gardevoir: Psychic, Calm Mind, Double Team, Shock Wave or Thunder Bolt
Alakazam: Psychic, Calm Mind, Recover, Shock Wave or Thunderpunch
Hold: Twistedspoon, Shell Bell or Leftovers
Altaria, Pidgeot, Swellow (level 66)
Nature: Docile, Hardy, Serious, Quirky or Bashful
Ability: Any
Moves: As long as Aerial Ace and Fly are known
Hold: Any
Salamence, Dragonite, Tyranitar (level 65)
Nature (Tyranitar and Dragonite): Brave, Quiet
Nature (Salamence): Mild
Dragonite and Salamence: Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Brick Break
Tyranitar: Bulk Up, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Crunch
Hold: Any
Metagross (level 65)
Nature: Quiet, Brave, Sassy or Relaxed
Moves: Meteor Mash, Cosmic Power, Psychic, Earthquake
Hold: Metal Coat

Try the following team.

Blastoise (level 90 to 100): Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam
Heracross (level 90 to 100): Megahorn, Brick Break, Reversal, Endure
Salamence (level 90 to 100): Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Crunch
Arcanine (level 90 to 100): Flamethrower, Extreamspeed, Flame Wheel, Take Down
Gradevoir (level 90 to 100): Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Imprison
Metagross (level 90 to 100): Metor Mash, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Earthquake
Note: To get Hydro Pump on Salamance, breed a female Salamance with a male Gyrados that knows Hydro Pump.

Try the following team:

Charizard: Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Fly, Steel Wing (Relaxed Nature); Item: Charcoal
Alakazam: Psychic, Psybeam, Return, Fire Punch (Bold Nature); Item: Lum Berry
Lapras: Waterfall, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt (Modest Nature) Item: Leftovers
Rhydon: Strength, Rock Blast, Earthquake, Megahorn (Careful Nature); Item: Quick Claw
Dragonite: Rock Smash, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Outrage (Nature with No Change); Item: Leftovers
Victreebel: Cut, Razor Leaf / Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder (Nature with no Change); Item: Bright Powder

Hint: Recommended Pokemon League moves:

If you started with Charmander, the best moves for Charzard are Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, And Fly.
If you started with Bulbasuar, the best moves are Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Solar Beam, and Giga Drain.
If you started with Squirtle, the best moves are Hydro Cannon, Surf, Hyper Beam, and Blizzard.

Hint: Easy wins:
This trick requires a Shedinja, a Pokemon that knows Skill Swap, and a Ghost-Dark hybrid, and can only be used in a double battle. Enter the Shedinja and the Pokemon that knows Skill swap into battle first. Have the Pokemon that knows Skill swap use it on Shedinja. Then, switch Shedinja out with your Ghost-Dark hybrid, and have the Pokemon who knows Skill Swap use it on your Ghost-Dark hybrid. Because no move can deal Super Effective damage to a Ghost-Dark hybrid, using this trick to swap Shedinja's Wonderguard over to one will make it completely invincible. However, even with Wonderguard, the Ghost-Dark hybrid will only be invulnerable to attacks. This means that special conditions, recoil, etc. will still do damage to it.

Hint: Easy money:
To get easy money, use a Meowth with the Pay Day attack in wild or trainer battles.

To do this, you must defeat the Elite Four, have the Amulet Coin, the Vrs Seeker, and the Rainbow Pass. First, go to Island 5. Go up along the coast. Surf north until you meet a trainer on a tiny island. Ignore him or her. Then, go east a short distance and you will find a bigger island with a house. There is a Lady named Jacki near the island you saw a moment ago. She has a level 48 Hopip and a level 50 Skiploom. They are Grass/Flying type. Give the Amulet Coin to a Pokemon that is good against them. Put it up front. Battle her and you will get 20,000 in money. Use the Vrs Seeker to battle her again with the same Pokemon and get 20,000 in money again. Run around the island until your Vrs Seeker is recharged. Battle her as much as desired.

To get quick money, get a Zigzagoon. Battle with it. After every battle, look to see if it has a Nugget. When you get one, sell it for lots of money. Note: It will also get lots of other items.

Have at least two Pokemon and access to Five Island, a level 45 to 50 Persian that knows Pay Day and is holding Amulet Coin, and another Pokemon that is not holding anything but knows Thief. Go to Resort Gorgeous and find the two rich ladies. Fight them using the Vs Seeker. Lady Jacki uses a level 48 Hoppip. Use your Persian and Pay Day against it. The second uses a level 50 Skiploom. Switch to your thieving Pokemon and use Thief to get his Stardust. You will get 2,000 in money (not counting Pay Day), and take the Stardust away from your thief. Lady Gillian uses a level 49 Mareep. Use your Persian against it and Pay Day until it faints. The second is a level 48 Mareep. Use the same attack as the first, Pay Day. The third is a level 49 Flaffy. Switch to your thief and steal his Nugget. Then, finish him off. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Go to treasure beach directly below the One Island port. Then, use the Itemfinder to find the two Pearls. Go to any shop and sell them. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Catch a Meowth. Raise Meowth untill it learns the move Pay Day. Then, give Meowth the Amulet Coin. For every Pay Day used with Meowth still in battle at the end, it will give you 10 credits per level. For example, if you have a level 25 Meowth it will give you 250 credits per Pay Day attack.

Hint: Saving money:
To save money, buy only regular Pokeballs (about 350 to 400). Buy as few of Potions, Super Potions, Full Heals, Hyper Potions, Max Potions, and Max Revives as possible. Instead, go to Two Island and buy Fresh Water for 200 (heals your Pokemon by 50 points), Soda Pop for 300 (heals your Pokemon by 60), Lemonade for 350 (heals your Pokemon by 80), Moomoo Milk for 500 (heals your Pokemon by 100), and Lava Cookies for 200 (acts as Full Heal). However, still purchase Full Restores and Revives for when you are in a tight spot. Also, use the Poke-Flute to wake up Pokemon and the Yellow Flute to snap them out of confusion.

Hint: Easy experience:
At the beginning of the game, choose Bulbasaur or Charmander to be able to train them faster after the second gym. When you are first able to catch Pokemon, go to Route 22 west of Viridian and catch a Spearow and Mankey. Both will train fast against the early wild Pokemon. Then, train Spearow as much as possible in the Viridian Forest. Its Peck attack will be very effective against every Pokemon in the forest, except for Pikachu (which you should catch because it is rare). After coming out of the forest with a level 10 to 15 Spearow, you should then train Mankey in the grass north of the exit of Viridian Forest. After he learns Low Kick, you can seriously damage the Rattata you will find there. Then in the same patch of grass, train Pikachu. Its Thundershock wipes out pidgeys. Then, train Bulbasaur or Squirtle until it learns Vine Whip or Bubble. You can use these against Brock. Defeat Brock with your starter Pokemon, then train as evenly as possible with everyone else on Route 3, facing all the trainers. Note: Use Pikachu against the toddlers; they seem to like Pidgeys and Spearows. When in Mt. Moon, train Pikachu against the Zubats in the cave. Also, catch a Paras. Additionally, catch a Clefairy if you can find one, although by this time it will be useless to you. Get the TM Bullet Seed left of the entrance to the cave and teach it to Paras. Then, train it against a wild Geodude. Also teach the TM Rock Tomb that you got from Brock to Mankey and train it against Zubats along with Pikachu. Before going to the Nugget Bridge, make sure Pikachu is first in your party. You will face Gary and he uses Pidgeotto first. Then at the Nugget Bridge and the road to Bill's House, train Paras against the hikers. Also train Spearow against the bug catchers. After that training, defeat Misty with Pikachu (and Paras if Pikachu faints). Then, go down to Vermilion and face a few of sailors on the outside deck of the ship. Then, go to the Pokemon Center. Next, go to the route east of Vermilion and train against the gamblers with Pikachu and Paras and use whoever you taught Dig to against the mechanics. Next, go Diglett's cave and have lots of Pokeballs to use, if you find a wild Dugtrio. Then, train Paras in the cave. Also train Squirtle/Bulbasaur. Then, go to the ship as usual and most of your Pokemon should be at or better than level 20. Also, Bulbasaur/Squirtle, Paras, and Spearow should be evolved and you can face Surge with the Pokemon that knows Dig or Mankey with Karate Chop against the Voltorbs.

Put a Pokemon in the daycare. ever step you take after that will give your Pokemon one experience point. Go to Rocket Hide Out in the Casino. Go to part with the moving floor. Find a part where the ground moves straight to a location where it makes you stop. Tape the D-pad in the direction of the moving ground. Check on it every once in awhile to make sure it is still working. Keep the game in this state for a few hours for easy experience.

Note: This trick requires the Vs Seeker, a bike, and Experience Share. Have a level 50 or greater Pokemon with a powerful attack. Get the Pokemon you want to level up out of the PC. Give it the Experience Share and repeatedly fight the trainers at the top of cycling road. This is a good location because the Pokemon here are about level 30, and there are a lot of trainers in view. Let the Pokemon try its luck fighting them when it gets to level 25. To get rich during this, give the Pokemon that fights most of the time the Amulet Coin. Another good way is to fight the Elite Four with the Experience Share Pokemon with you.

Note: This trick requires a Vs Seeker, Tri-Pass, Experience Share (if you want to train level 40 and below Pokemon), and preferably a bicycle. Go to One Island. Surf to the right on Kindle Road. Go north until you reach a cave side entrance. There will be two karate trainers running back and forth and a Crush Kin Team on the same screen. Before defeating the Elite Four, the Black Belt on the left has a level 37 Machop and 37 Machoke. The Black Belt on the right has a level 38 Machop and Machoke. The Crush Kin has a level 39 Machoke and level 39 Primeape. After defeating the Elite Four, both of the Black Belts have a level 55 Machoke and Machamp, and the Crush Kin has a level 56 Machamp and Primeape. Fight them and use the Vs Seeker an unlimited number of times to fight them repeatedly. In the cave is the Ember Spa, where you can heal your Pokemon, should they get too hurt from fighting those enemies. Your Pokemon will level up very fast, but after defeating the Elite Four the battles can get a little bit harder to win due to the massive level increase.

Get either a Zapdos or a Fearow that knows the move "Drill Peck". Make sure it is at least level 53. Put it at the head of the party. Place any level 60 Pokemon second, the Pokemon you want to gain the experience third, and equip it with the Exp. Share. Give your lead Pokemon the Amulet Coin. In the last three slots, you can put Eggs that you wish to hatch. Go to Kindle Road on One Island. Move north towards Mt. Ember. There should be five trainers there. Defeat them, then use the Vs. Seeker to face them again. They have Primeapes, Machokes, and Machamps at levels 55 and 56. Repeatedly defeat them to gain quick experience and money. To heal, go north to the Ember Spa and go to the Rejuvenation Pool. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Go to the Pokemon Day Care Center. Give him the Pokemon you wish to level up. That Pokemon gets experience for every step you take. Go outside and walk around. If you do this for a very long time the Pokemon will get more experience and then level up.

Go to Biker's Pass and go to the six Bikers/Cue Balls. Beat them up. Use the Vs. Checker and keep fighting them. You can get Easy Pokeyen and experience. This can help you defeat the Elite Four easier.

Hint: Sabrina's gym:
To get to Sabrina faster, try this trick. Go to the first teleporter, then move left, down, left, left. To get back to the start, do the opposite.

After you go on the first portal, keep going to the portal directly across and it will take you directly to Sabrina. There is a certain way to get to Sabrina without battling anyone.

Hint: Finding Selphy:
In the Lost Cave, start from the beginning and go right, up, down, down, right, left, down, and right. When she sees you, she will fight with two level 49 Persians. Afterwards you will go to her house and ask to see a Pokemon (Arkanine).

After you find Selphy in the lost cave, go to her house at Resort Gorgeous. Talk to her and she will ask to see a Pokemon. If you have that Pokemon, then go to the Pokemon Center on Five Island. Add the Pokemon to your party then go back to her house. Show her, and she will call her butler. He will give you something for it (for example, a Star Piece and Luxury Balls).

Hint: Determining Pokemon's feelings towards you:
When you use an item on one of your Pokemon outside of a battle, such as a Potion, the Pokemon will either move closer or away from you in the short intermission sequence. How far the Pokemon moves depends on how much it likes you. If it does not move at all, it feels neutral.

Hint: Trainer name comment:
At the Pokemon Trainer Fan Club in Saffron City, the blonde man in the back will mention the last person you battled in real life. For example, if you battle a friend who named their character "Dusty", he will say, "Dusty's cool, huh? I love the way he talks. I'd really relish a chance to meet him in person once."

Hint: Answers to Blamies questions:
The following are the answers to the quizzes at the seventh gym:

Quiz 01: Caterpie evolves into Metapod? Yes
Quiz 02: There are 9 certified Pokemon League Bades? No
Quiz 03: Poliwag evolves 3 times? No
Quiz 04: Are Electric moves effective against Ground-type Pokemon? No
Quiz 05: Pokemon of the same kind and level are not identical? Yes
Quiz 06: TM28 contains Tombstony? No

Hint: Profile:
After playing awhile and getting all eight Badges, fly back to Pewter City and go into the Pokemon Center. Inside, beside the PC, will be a lady who asks you what your profile is. Answer "Yes" to her question to create your own profile. Profiles are useless and have no meaning whatsoever, but are fun to make.

Hint: More than one attempt when catching a Legendary Pokemon:
When you are close to a Legendary Pokemon and want to catch it, save the game just before you battle it. If you accidentally make it faint, Just reset the game and try again.

Hint: Catching Pokemon easily:
When catching a Pokemon (for example, a legendary), buy one good Pokeball (for example, a Master Ball) then buy a large number of normal Pokeballs. Go to the place where you want to catch a Pokemon. Then got to your bag. Go to the Pokeballs. Use the single good Pokeball then use a normal Pokeball. When you are throwing the Pokeball hold A + B, then when it goes one way release A and keep holding B.

Hint: Trade to Pokemon Colosseum:
To trade your Pokemon to Pokemon Colosseum through a link cable, you must first complete the game and defeat the Elite 4. You can now trade Pokemon like Mewtwo, Lugia and Ho-oh (if you have the Mystery Pass), Deoxys (if you have the Rainbow Pass), etc.

Glitch: Raticate and Repel:
When you are in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island, using any Repel will keep every Pokemon away except one, Raticate. This is rare, but you can run into a Raticate while looking around.

Glitch: Funny water noise:
First, mate two Pokemon that have the Surf move (or one and a Ditto). When you get the egg, move directly in front of water and press action (A). You will hear a noise as if you were going to use Surf, but you do not. This will happen every time until you get rid of the egg or it hatches. Note: If you have any active Pokemon that knows Surf, this will not work. Also, the two Pokemon have to be mateable.

Glitch: Incorrect dialogue:
Go to the Pokemon Center in front of Mt. Moon. Talk to the man that asks you if you want to buy a Magikarp for $500. If you are the male trainer, he will call you "Miss".

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